September 2024 Regular Meeting
Starchild, chair
Jawj Greenwald, vice chair, Richard Fast, LPSF member
Jeff Yunes, LPSF member
Greg Michael, LPSF member, Brendan McMillion, LPSF member
Richard Winger, secretary, Terry Nycum, treasurer
Guests Present (none)
The chair called the meeting to order at 3:15pm on Saturday, September 14, 2024 in person at the 3rd floor Paley conference room of the SF Main Library and online via Jitsi videoconference.
Activist Reports
Starchild: 1) Talking Will be speaking to the Potrero Hill Democratic Club on several propositions, 2) Libertarian presidential candidate Chase Oliver coming to Santa Clara County (a restaurant in Milpitas) next weekend, details on the LPSCC website, and 3) Paul Breed, A/V person for events, currently at Burning Man, but interested in helping put on LPSF events.
Jeff: Nudism was criminalized in SF a few years ago, with a few exceptions, but not heavily enforced. Jeff has been attending clothing optional events in SF. He moved back from NH, where he was involved in the Free State Project. He wiill keep track of upcoming events for activism.
Richard F.: Two weeks ago I hosted an LP social in El Cerrito. About 6 or 7 of us discussed restarting the Contra Costa affiliate. I’ve also been distributing pocket size copies of Murray Rothbard’s “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” I’d like to move to approve the LPSF minutes from February to July (motion died for lack of a second).
Brendan: Been paying attention to the LPSF forums and wanted to join the discussion.
Trip Seibold will be the new prospective treasurer. Starchild, Trip, and Greg went to the credit union to transfer signatories but the credit union wanted more information so they’ll have to arrange a follow-up visit.
LPSF is the official opponent of four SF ballot measurers, out of 7 submitted, but SF wouldn’t allow the LPSF’s name to appear on actual ballots to be the author of the counter-arguments because of a rule so Starchild’s name will appear there as the opponent is the author.
Richard F. moved to recommend Asha Safai for SF mayor. There was discussion; none of the members present felt informed enough to issue a recommendation. The motion died for lack of a second.
SF Ballot measures: The members present voted (unanimously in most cases) on the following:
Oppose: A, B, D, F, K, L, M, N,
Favor: O, E
No Position: C
Richard moved, Starchild seconded, to extend time to 5:15pm. Passed unanimously. Jawj left the meeting at 5pm.
Vote Tally on whether to support Measure O (abortion): Yes: 3
No: 0
NP: 2
In the discussion, Richard F. said that he supported the spirit of Proposition O the measure (protecting the right to have an abortion at the local level, in a pre-emptive move against a possible federal ban if Trump becomes President), but didn’t feel the LP should endorse it since the measure calls for more taxpayer spending (the measure mandates abortion care signage advertising to be paid for by SF taxpayers). He also expressed concern that the measure would be used discriminantly discriminatorily against pro-life people (forcing pro-life people to pay for other people’s abortions via taxes). This was a minority viewpoint among the members present.
Jawj Greenwald moved, with second, to appoint Richard Fast as secretary and
Trip Seibold as treasurer. No objection. Passed unanimously.
Richard F. moved, Greg seconded, to extend time to 5:30pm. Passed unanimously. There was discussion on measures D and E. Yes on E, no on D.
Vote Tally on whether to support Measure C (measure creating an Inspector General position and giving the Controller’s office subpoena power):
Yes: 0
No: 0
NP: 4
In the discussion, all members present agreed that government corruption in SF is a real problem that needs to be addressed. And, all agreed that using more government to solve a problem that government started is not a good solution. The “no position” that members decided on was a sign of wanting to see solutions to corruption, but disagreeing on the means to achieve that (preferring to abolish the positions of those found guilty of corruption thereby reducing the size and scope of government).
Starchild welcomed written submissions on the measures and mayoral candidates to be posted on .
Greg moved, Richard seconded, to adjourn. No objection. The meeting ended at 5:25pm.
The next meeting will be the second Saturday of October 2024 in the 4rd floor Paley conference room at the SF Main Library and online via Jitsi videoconference.