School-Choice System Best/LP Net

I don't disagree with the point of David Boaz's essay, but I can't help noticing that in recounting the fight over a proposed gay-friendly curricula in New York, he uses the terms "ruling establishment" and "cultural elite" to describe the side favoring the new curricula, while failing to apply any negative terms to the side that opposed schoolchildren being taught positive things about gays. The fact that Boaz is himself gay does not excuse this apparent bias, just makes it less fathomable.

  I understand the point that Don Fields made recently and Marcy seconded, about even bigots (not that I would go so far as to call Boaz a bigot on such scant evidence) being welcome within the LP fold so long as they don't advocate the initiation of force against anyone, but at the same time I would prefer that if any self-respecting non-libertarian gays come across this piece, that they don't identify David Boaz as a prominent member of our movement.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

From: Lawrence
To: Lawrence Samuels
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 9:27 AM
Subject: School-Choice System Best/LP Net

TO: LP County Leaders and Campuses
FROM: Lawrence Samuels, LP Northern California Vice Chair


Posted on Fri, Jul. 08, 2005





School-choice system would suit most




Eighty years ago Sunday, the famous Scopes Monkey Trial began in Dayton, Tenn. The lessons from that trial can help us understand the school-choice debate today.

In 1925, the Tennessee legislature passed a law forbidding teaching in public school "any theory that denies the story of divine creation of man as taught in the Bible." A young teacher, John Scopes, taught the theory of evolution in a high school biology class and was arrested for violating the law. Two famous lawyers, William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow, came to the little town of Dayton to prosecute and defend Scopes. Their confrontation defined the clash between evolutionary theory and creationism, science and religion, for years to come.

How does this battle relate to school choice? It illustrates the problem with a one-size-fits-all monopoly school system. Lots of Tennesseans wanted their children taught the biblical story of creation. But there were others who wanted their children to learn the scientific consensus in biology class. Because the school system was a state monopoly, they couldn't both get what they wanted.

Education deals with topics that many people feel strongly about, and a monopoly requires them to fight over whose values will prevail in the single school system. Parents, taxpayers, and other voters can disagree over school prayer, ethnic history, the Pledge of Allegiance, school uniforms, gay teachers, teaching tolerance, drug testing - or evolution vs. creation.

In a market system, customers can choose from a wide variety of options. In a political system like the school system, however, one group "wins" and the losers are stuck with products or services they don't like.

Several years ago, New York saw a battle royal over the values to be taught to the city's 1 million schoolchildren. The ruling establishment tried to impose the multicultural, pro-gay "Children of the Rainbow" curriculum on all schools. A backlash erupted, leading to the removal of the city's school superintendent. Emboldened by popular opposition to the Rainbow Curriculum, the Catholic Church teamed up with Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition to take over the city's 32 community school boards.

The cultural elite fought back, pulling together a coalition including the United Federation of Teachers, key supporters of liberal Mayor David Dinkins, People for the American Way and gay activists. The two groups fought bitterly for the right to impose their own moral and cultural values on New York's 1 million schoolchildren. In the end, it was a draw, and schoolchildren continued to be pawns in a political struggle.

Every fall, as a new school year opens, the newspapers are full of reports of conflicts between parents and school officials about education.

In Takoma Park, Md., the parents of Eleanor Glewwe and Hana Maruyama wanted to enroll their daughters in the French-immersion program at Maryvale Elementary. Because the girls are both half Asian - and thus deemed officially "Asian" by the Montgomery County school system - they were not allowed to transfer from their assigned school, Takoma Park Elementary. The parents suggested that the school reclassify their daughters as white, but a different policy prevents white students from leaving Takoma Park Elementary, as well.

In Phoenix, the parents of Analicia Ortiz and Dustin Green objected to their local school's requirement that junior high students wear uniforms. So the school district forcibly transferred the students to another school and got a court order banning both the students and their parents from the neighborhood school.

In those cases and others across the country, school officials and parents disagree about what's best. Who decides? Under our current system, the school board or the legislature makes a decision for the whole district or state. Under a system of school choice, parents could choose the school that best fit their child's needs - with or without school uniforms, with or without school prayer, teaching evolution or creation, and so on. We'd have no more trials of teachers and fewer dissatisfied parents.


Contact Boaz, editor of "Liberating Schools" and "The Libertarian Reader," at the Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20001. website:



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