Save The Date April 10 (Tuesday)

Hi All! There will be a hearing on the lawsuit to overturn Proposition 14 (The Top Two) on Tuesday, April 10 at the Alameda Courthouse in Oakland at 9 AM. Richard says it should take no more than about 2 hours. We need a good show of support to keep freedom to vote Libertarian alive and well in California. I am taking off half a day of work to support this cause. Please join me. This is easy activism--no public speeches, persuading others of the Libertarian way, waving signs, or anything like that. Just to be there in body as a sign of support for the lawsuit. The more bodies, the better--can bring spouses, relatives, children (well behaved), friends, anyone. I can take up to 4 other folks in my car. Please help out!


Thank you so much for reminding us.

I will be there if at all possible.

Sam Sloan

Hi Sam! Thanks and let me know if you need a ride.
