I agree the road to tyranny is a multiple generation enterprise. I have
witnessed the decline for three. Each has been operating under the same
flawed strategy. This strategy seeks liberty in democratic socialistic devices, as if somehow there will be a reversal of the artifacts of democratic socialistic devices with democratic socialistic devices.
Do the math. I hate to go "Dr. Phil" on you, but get real. The interests in liberty are just entertaining themselves. Like playing one side of the chess board, they say, "Look at all the great moves we are making".
Show me the progress made along the line you suggest. There has been no progress. Now we live in a Orwellian coercive paradigm of the magnitude of his dystopia.
In contrast to the road to tyranny, the establishment of liberty, is a
swift enterprise, galvanized from a system of one-issue contests. The mechanics
of that system are long forgotten, untaught, and largely prohibited, in
favor of the socialistic devices and ranking that has characterized "democratic society" for a century.
Government socialism is trained, as the operating style of society, at the earliest opportunity.
Socialist education requires that each person submit to authority alone
and never seek alliance to his own ends, except as authorized. This is
the form of Dewey's so-called "progressive education". Children are
prohibited from conducting their natural in inclination to work
together to meet a challenge, deriving all, from the "teacher". Then
they are forced to take their tests by themselves or it is cheating and
they are punished.
As a result, most people know no other way of relating to conditions except through authoritarian devices, masquerading as democracy and conducting the business of bureaucratic dictatorship. But the hapless libertarians can only do what they know how to do, regardless of the academic content of what they say.
If we expect to make any changes in the trajectory of tyranny, we must make changes is strategies. "Getting the word out" has succeeded in creating the conditions we have today but it has failed liberty.
There are other things to do and there are a few people who know what those things are. Our first challenge to is to find and organize those few. Otherwise we will continue to get what we have gotten.