San Francisco Minimum Wage and Business Health Plan - UPDATED

Dear Everyone;

Some updated news on the City Hall anti-business climate on the smallusiness minimum wage fee for enforcement and the City helath plan from Small Business Council.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

The issue of minimum wage enforcement will be coming before the Board of Supervisors today and it appears that while it will pass the fee of $39 will be deleted. Yesterday an agreement appeared to be reached between the Mayors Office and community groups. The agreement specified that the Mayor is committing to maintain level funding and as such add 4 people to OLSE for enforcement and worker outreach. This will be revisited this next year in the budget process.

Today is the big day for the universal health care access plan to be unveiled by the Mayor and Supervisor Ammiano.

All the details are not known but it will provide a benefit package through the cities clinics. Businesses with 20 or more employees will be required to pay a fee per employee [ employees who work 20 or more hours] if they do not provide health insurance.

It is my understanding this fee will be gradated between businesses with 20 to 100 employees paying a lower amount than businesses over 100 employees The total cost of the plan is around $200 million or roughly $2400 for each uninsured resident. The goal is to cover 82000 uninsured adult residents .

The cost will be paid for by a combination of employer, individual and City and County of SF contributions

All the details will probably not be worked out until Wednesday.