Ron Getty,

A progressive true-believer, recently told me that San Francisco's high
tax-rates and oppressive business regulations exist to make the world a better
place and, if I had not "given" my taxed money to government, I would have
wasted it on mindless consumerism that supports slave labor and rapes Mother
Earth... This progressive prophet was wearing Marxist church garb--a Che Guevara
tee-shirt that said, "Fighting for Peace." Though I complain about the Left
quite a bit, I consider Left and Right equally destructive.

All the best,

Don Fields

Dear DOn;

All of which for some reason reminds me of the old highschool cheer at football games: lean to the left - lean to the right - stand up sit down fight fight fight!!!

Somehow it seems somewhat apropos of our besotted leaders as they beswat our earnings - before we thoughtlessly spend it on consumersim coming at ya from the left and the right!!!!

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian


  Of course I agree with you, but I try not to call leftists "progressives." It makes it sound like they are in favor of progress, when as we both know, they are actually among those most likely to *oppose* progress (as the term is normally used to refer to things like development, technological change, etc).

Love & liberty,
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