Dear Everyone;
After reading the garbage that is passing for each ballot proposition for the November ballot I will make the following motion at the LPSF meeting on Saturday for the offical LPSF ballot recommendations at 3:01 pm.
"I move that the Libertarian Party of San Francisco recommend a vote of NO on all San Francicsco ballot propositions."
This way we can save ourselves a lot of time and move on to the pizza social by 3:02 pm.
If you desire to be depressed just do what I just finished doing - reading all the San Francisco ballot propositions - you can read them here at :
I can not believe what has happened to the beautiful City I came to a couple of decades ( be nice - don't ask how many decades ) ago and how it has been totally trashed by know-nothing do-nothing ignoramus morons who continually treat the people and the business of this City as ATM's for every do-goodism at the public's expense that walked down the pike.
Hundreds of millions are spent - we still got homeless sprawled all over
Hundreds of millions are spent - we still got drug dealers and gang bangers murdering each other at a fast clip.
Hundreds of millions are spent - we still have a public school system which is a shambles ( and surprise - they still want more with an upcoming parcel tax).
Hundreds of millions are spent- we still have filthy sidewalks and pot hole ridden streets
Hundreds of millions are spent - we still have people exisitng in hell hole homes of the projects.
And so and so on and so on.... Yuch!
Ron Getty
Chair, Initiatives Committee
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
aka: SF Libertarian