Same-sex marriage in Chicago and New Mexico

I heard on Bill Maher's show tonight that mayors in Chicago and somewhere in New Mexico(?) have followed SF's lead and are beginning to allow same sex marriages. Can anyone confirm this? I can't find anything on the news sites about this.

Btw, Maher had a anti-gay marriage spokesperson on that practically got booed and laughed off the show and Sir Ian McKellen (who played Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings) had some positive words for same-sex marriage and gave a great quote of Jefferson's to much applause. (and yes, I know McKellen is gay)

-- Steve

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I heard on Bill Maher's show tonight that mayors in Chicago and
somewhere in New Mexico(?) have followed SF's lead and are beginning to
allow same sex marriages. Can anyone confirm this? I can't find
anything on the news sites about this.

Sandoval County in New Mexico allowed gay marriages for a little while, but
was stopped by the state.
<URL: >

Mayor Daley of Chicago said that he wouldn't be opposed to gay marriages,
and it looks like one alderman is pursuing the issue.
<URL: >

The town of New Paltz, NY, is performing same-sex marriages.
<URL: >
[courtesy Rational Review News Digest]
The New York State Health Department has moved to stop these, according to

Oakland has requested that Alameda County permit the city to issue same-sex
marriage licenses.
<URL: News – NBC Bay Area >

Google news is your friend.

- --
Christopher R. Maden, Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
The Party of Principle: individual freedom and personal responsibility
<URL: > +1.415.775.LPSF
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