This is a long one, again by Klien, it has a lot to chew on, and will
be important to read for those who want to participate in developing a
workable and meaningful implementation of curb rights on San Francisco.
Here is the basic outline of my thinking to date. The full flrdged
book should come on Tuesday, but I am not sure it will be full of
answers. I think we are going to have to work this out guided by
ideals, our kknowledge of the city, and it's political realities.
Above all, we should not fall into the trap of central planning the
market in our proposed initiative.
Here are some initial thoughts.
Compared to most other cities in the US, our existing system is good.
Our goal should be to establish a system primarily designed to
complement the strengtts of the wxisting system, dcompeting
directlyonly in areas where the net result would be an overall
improvement to the publica willingness and sesire to get out of the
cars and into the streets. Some direct competion petitn would be
desirable in order to put a little pressure on Muni to perform.
I'm getting too wordy.
Wo is goijg to decide where and how many curb right licenses will be
granted. The placement of the rights have three important
characteristics. The micro placement must allow acees to other
transfer points or destination points, must allow for the sfety and
convenience of passengers, the cost of placement, the freee flow of
traffic and other transit vehicles, and the sensibilities of
neightbors and store owners. It must also be placed so as to maximize
it's usefulness to potential passengers in the area. In my initial
thoughts, thebest way to govern the micro placement would be to have
local curb rights boards elected in each supervisor district. Perhaps
three people. unpaid colunteer, perhaps some pay budgeted fro the curb
rights income.
Each lo al board would send repredentaatives to the city wide board,
which would decide on the macro placement of curb right zones. The
bosrd would serve under the advice and consent of sub committees for
each major thorougfare, consisting tof the districts in the thoroughffare.
Sefault curb rigt zones would be established at each Bart Station,
and each muni station…ie,west portal, castro, church van ness, pac
bell, harrion, and each muni terminus., plus keypublic places withhigh
traffic, if fishermans warf, union squre,cow palace…
The board would be directed toestablish curb rights in such as way as
to maximize point to point service that feeds into munis strengrhs and
compliments it's slower routes. The boards may add stops where muni
service is cut back or discontinued. In times of public emergency, the
boards may allow for continecy plans to increase acess to curb rights.
Once locations for acess to curb rigths are cecided , how will they be
I am still open. perhaps individually, with the right to rebid.
Perhaps, citywide just to one company. I have to review it but Knien
gives good readon to have each curb right individually owned and let
the owners revid them. /ttttt/The owners will maximize revenue in a
rational way. The owners may be transit companies themselves. If that
is the case, we might end up with just one market competitor, which
might not be such a bad result.
Private property owners may provide curb rights under the aegis of the
local board. This provision shal not onterfere with any rights the
private property owner already enjoys.
Must rigths be limited to the designated curb areas. In other words,
can lefitimate users of curb rights pick up and discxharge passangers
at thier homes, or destinations. Here is my thought. If we onlyy allow
picj ups dischardes at designated curbssites, we minimizee competion
with taxis.How about this... curb right zones may be used as
collection points. Sedicated vehicles may pich up and drop off
passengers to and from collection points, but may not serve as point
to point transportation(unless of course, a collection curb is a fonal
destination). this enables the users of curb rights tocollect critical
mass withoust directly copeting with cabs.
These are just my initial thoghts. We all have a lot of thinking and
studyong to do. Then lots of work, and money.
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