Ron Paul re: The Ron Owens Show

Hi Michael, Starchild, and others on this List who are active on the Ron Paul Campaign,

Paul Lovinger, of the War and Law League, called me today to say that he heard Ron Owens of the Ron Owens Show on KGO, say that he had contacted the Ron Paul campaign to invite Ron Paul to be on the show, but received no response. Paul Lovinger was wondering if it would help to get Ron Paul on the show if the Ron Paul Meetup Group would encourage him to do so. I am not in the Ron Paul Meetup Group this year, so I thought I would pass along the message.

Perhaps of interest also -- Paul Lovinger indicated that he was in favor of Ron Paul's foreign policy and his individual liberties stance; but he could not entirely support Ron Paul's economic policies.

Finally, I sent in my check today renewing my membership in the War and Law League. Basic membership is $10 payable to "Peace Development Fund/War and Law League," P.O. Box 42-7237, San Francisco, CA 94142. Peace Development Fund is WALL's fiscal sponsor, so your membership donation is tax-deductible.
