Unbelievable! Is the campaign collecting royalties?
Michael Denny
Unbelievable! Is the campaign collecting royalties?
Michael Denny
Before clicking on your message, it appeared in my In Box as "Ron Paul for President back..." Never in a million years could I have guessed the rest of that line! How bizarre. It would be funny to call up an Office Max here and ask them whether they have Ron Paul for President backpacks, and if not, to see whether they would transfer one from the Mexico City store.
Perhaps the demand for these items in Mexico is among emigrants to the United States who appreciate the irony of wearing a backpack promoting a politician who favors tighter border controls, while crossing into the U.S. without government permission.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
That's funny Starchild...I don't think that's the reason but the humor is not lost on me.
Hey Mike! Any chance you would be willing to pick up some of these to bring back to us? I think they'd be great raffle items at one of our upcoming fundraisers. I'd be happy to buy at least three or four of them (if they don't sell out before you return home).
Terry Floyd