Ron Getty - - - OK!


You asked:

Do you know of a possible candidate to replace him that would
do a better job in this area, that is, spend less or would veto such
legislation? Who?

I know two possible candidates: Mary Ruwart and Michael Badnarik.

However, the real issue is what Bush has done, as Ron implies, is wrong, vicious, and evil. Especially where Ron enumerates: "and so and so on and so on." Otherwise, Bush is great.

Best, Michael

Dear Dr. Mike and Robert Parkhurst and Everyone Else :-))
  To actually to go one step further to really simplify - ANY - Libertarian elected as President.
  Because what would be done is:
  Defund and abolish all the alphabet agencies - repeal Social Security and all other welfare programs including Medicare and Medicaid - pull all military personnel out of all countries around the world and bring'm back home - immediatley cease all corporate welfare - cut taxes to the minimum barest littlest tiniest skinniest amount needed to DEFEND us - kill off all mutual military aid programs - cancel all tariff programs and enact total free trade WITHOUT the need for any governmental programs between countries afterall free trade is free trade - repeal all labor laws - repeal all laws put on the books which do not meet strict Constitutional standards - pull out of the United Nations - cut off all funds to all government military contractors and Halliburtin and KBR - do an indepth audit of what they received and get back every penny they took for fraud and embezzlement and chicanery and kick backs and political pay offs and etc etc etc
  AND then on the Seventh Day I would rest....
  Then repeal or defund everything else which got missed the first time around the first week.....
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
  Me For Prresident

dredelstein@... wrote:

You asked:

Do you know of a possible candidate to replace him that would
do a better job in this area, that is, spend less or would veto such
legislation? Who?

I know two possible candidates: Mary Ruwart and Michael Badnarik.

However, the real issue is what Bush has done, as Ron implies, is
wrong, vicious, and evil. Especially where Ron enumerates: "and so and
so on and so on." Otherwise, Bush is great.

Best, Michael

Dear Everyone;
  It was asked what's wrong with Bush?? Well - ask Connecticut for the answer!!!
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
dredelstein@... wrote:

You asked:

Do you know of a possible candidate to replace him that would
do a better job in this area, that is, spend less or would veto such
legislation? Who?

I know two possible candidates: Mary Ruwart and Michael Badnarik.

However, the real issue is what Bush has done, as Ron implies, is
wrong, vicious, and evil. Especially where Ron enumerates: "and so and
so on and so on." Otherwise, Bush is great.

Best, Michael