rogue jitney roaming sf?

Thank you, Morey. Our van hero is just one of many thousands of
libertarians (small l)


--- In, Morey Straus <morey.straus@g...>

Morey, thanks, I posted a reply.
If someone else could add the
links from Marcy's research on
Jitney's demise, I would
appreciate it. Phil

So I have a lot of tough decisions to
make about my medical coverage as
my present plan that covers drugs
approaches the 2200 buck monthly
cost and as midicare part d kincks in
with it's faustian bargain with the
I wont bore you with anymore of the
deatials, but it is not an unrelated
matter that I write this to you using a
free internet browser called Opera that
both reads to me and can recognize
speach all for a free downlosd.

I prefer to use opera over the top of the
line standard blind magnifiacation
program that costs one thousand
bucks. and I often prefer to use the
free opera reader as opposed to the
1800 buck speach reding program for
the blind. When I was learning to use
the expensive programs at the
Arkansas school for the blind, the
workers thaere insisted I did not tell
other clients about free solutions I had
found.on the net. They did not want me
to confude them. The governmntts of
all the 50 state blind servicces
organization buy these program for
thier clients. I suspect this has stymied
competition in this area and
concentrated it in one or a few
companies and radically raised the
price. I can't prove this hunch, but I
just thought I would share this thought
with you. I suspect my HIv drugs would
be a whole heck of a lot cheaper if the
FDA was a volutary private
organization and the government
wasn't the buyer of last resort bidding
up prices to the sky for aids drugs.
Just think what they will do with
medicare part d. Only a compromise
between liberal idiots and conservative
morons could have produced such a
monstorous result.