Revised LPSF Minutes of 06/11/11

Dear All,

Jawj has done a revision of the minutes to correct a typo and to correct the time of the ballot access meeting in Oakland. Revised minutes pasted below.


Minutes of the LPSF Meeting of June 11, 2011

Members Present: Tony Adams, Phil Berg, Marcy Berry (Chair), Mike
Denny, Aubrey Freedman, Jawj Greenwald
(Secretary), Les Mangus (Treasurer), Rob Power.

Guests: Ann Grogan, Mike Minton

Officers’ Reports:

Chair: No report

Vice Chair: No report

Treasurer: Les Magnus
reported that the LPSF has $5079.20, unchanged from April and May.

Secretary: In the
Secretary’s absence, Ron Getty’s notes of the May meeting were posted online.

Committee Reports:

Internet Communications/Social Networking: Rob Power will remain
our webmaster until replaced, serving from New York City. Marcy Berry noted that Rob Power and Starchild
had each posted an interesting article on the website this month. The new polling feature give the site
traction and added interest. People are
urged to submit questions for the poll.
The current one asks how the government is doing in solving our
problems, and the 7 replies so far are unanimous that’s it not too good.

Initiatives/Ballot Measures: We
reviewed the timetable for submitting arguments (both paid and unpaid) for the
November 8 ballot and the likely ballot measures. In addition to multiple measures on pension
reform and one banning circumcision of minors, there will likely be various
bond measures (including one for sewer work).
Initiative measures must be submitted by July 11, in time to be
considered at our next meeting, while bond measures, charter amendments and regular
ordinances of the Board of Supervisors must be submitted July 29 or August
5. The final ballot measures will be
reviewable on August 15 and arguments pro and con must be submitted by August
18 to be considered for the lottery for free arguments (the deadline for paid
arguments is much later). This short
fuse means that the Executive Committee will need to approve arguments on the
late-breaking measures. We should all
keep our ears close to the ground to learn about potential ballot measures as
early as possible. As in past years, we
will solicit contributions to pay for arguments we wish to publish if we don’t
succeed in the lottery for free arguments.
See below for further discussion of the pension measure. Decisions on other ballot arguments will be
made at our July meeting.

Membership: There were
no new or renewed memberships this month.

Outreach: No report.

Political Candidates’/Activism Reports: Marcy Berry reported that she and Aubrey
Freedman, Starchild, Les Mangus and Terry Floyd of the East
Bay had attended a high school
political party presentation event in Richmond. Tony Adams discussed his involvement with
the Kip organization charter school movement, recruited by his son who works
professionally with the group.


Californians for Electoral Reform is holding its annual meeting in Oakland at the Cesar Chavez branch of the Oakland public library on Saturday June 18
from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.

Old Business:

Distribution of Literature to Local High Schools Update. Rob Power
handed over 76 CDs together with cover letter ready for mailing to local high
school civics teachers. The CD contains
various libertarian-leaning materials for classroom use: Cato Institute
materials on the Constitution, the “I, Pencil” pamphlet on how economic liberty
and free markets operate, some ISIL pamphlets, a video on the philosophy of
liberty, and the world’s smallest political quiz. Marcy Berry will arrange the mailing, which
will go to all San Francisco
high schools addressed to their civics teachers by title unless Starchild is
able to produce actual names before the mailing date.

Literature for Distribution at Outreach Events. Marcy Berry has finalized and stocked up with
three pieces of literature for use at the Pride Booth and other outreach
events: Make Acree’s gay rights flyer,
and two colorful well-designed philosophy of liberty flyers adapted from
materials of two defunct LP groups using our local content. The booth will also feature stickers designed
by Marcy and an Outright Libertarian pamphlet.

Pride Booth Plans. We
discussed logistics and plans for the Pride Booth, which in recent years has
been outside the Graham Auditorium.
Marcy Berry and Aubrey Freedman will be there all weekend. All other members are urged to join them for
at least part of the weekend of June 25/26.
Rob Power produced a new laminated grid for showing results of the
World’s Smallest Political Quiz.

New Business:

Pension Reform Ballot Argument. Mike Denny proposed
that we draft a ballot argument in favor of Adachi’s pension reform measure on
the November ballot (the more far-reaching of two competing reform measures
likely to appear). He circulated a few
ideas from Sarosh Kumana, who has offered to pay the publication costs,
suggesting we support the Adachi measure as a step in the right direction while
making it clear that we would prefer more drastic reforms. It was
agreed that Mike would prepare a draft for consideration at the July meeting,
soliciting whatever imput he wishes from others.