Responses to San Francisco Tomorrow candidate questionnaire

Here are my responses to this good government group's candidate survey.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))


Hi Starchild,

You hit the nail on the head, again. The only parts I predictably take umbrage are: the word "decriminalize" (talk about PC talk!) and
hosing down UN plaza (I prefer they do, with very hot water if possible!).

Thank you, Starchild, for all your good work.


Thanks, Mike!

  I kinda screwed up my MUNI answer -- they'll let you carry a skateboard on the bus now; what I was really getting at is specifically making skaters feel welcome since there is normally so much official hostility toward skateboarding. They don't let people wearing skates on now, allegedly out of liability concerns -- which is pretty dumb when you think about it, since the streets are also city property and you can skate there. Sometimes I've been *more* likely to fall when they've made me take my skates off, because then I've had to hold them and if I was carrying another bag, no longer had a hand free to catch myself if the bus lurched and I lost my balance.

  Also regret not advocating making having food/drink on MUNI legal -- just tell people to respect the space and clean up or let the operator know if you inadvertently make a mess (maybe they could even have some cleaning supplies on board). If you treat people like responsible adults, they're more likely to behave that way. Prohibiting reasonable behavior and having too many rules just makes people feel rebellious and want to break the rules without caring about the consequences as much.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))


  Thanks! :slight_smile: But I'm surprised you have an issue with the word "decriminalize". It has a specific meaning which is different, and more libertarian at least in terms of how various approaches are likely to be implemented right now, than legalization. Decriminalization means simply stop enforcing the laws against something rather than making it formally legal (and under the status quo, taxing and regulating the heck out of it).

  Also, how much taxpayer money are you in favor of using to hose down UN Plaza and how often do you think it should be done? If other public areas are more in need of cleaning, should UN Plaza still get priority because of its centrality and proximity to City Hall and potential for embarrassing politicians if a bunch of homeless people are camped out there? By the way, what would your approach be to homeless people who are sleeping in public places but not hurting anyone?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild,

In the mood I'm in right now, I would answer your last question by saying hose them down with hot water and send me the bill! Being poor, and lacking shelter is one thing. What I see around City Hall is another. And if we ever agreed on this subject, the sun would move from west to east.

Regarding the word decriminalize, you are correct that it might describe the action of removing the laws that render something criminal. However, some of the situations to which you apply the word are not criminal in the legal sense. Murder is criminal in the legal sense. Running a jitney is not. So, your use of the word in the jitney example sounds hyperbolic.
