Reminder & Update: Candidate forum TONIGHT

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Just a reminder: the Libertarian Party of San Francisco is having its
candidate forum for the November 2004 election TONIGHT, 6-9 pm, at the
International Noodle House, 690 Van Ness Ave. at Turk St.

Confirmed as attending are:

Jim Siegel, candidate for Supervisor (district 5)
Isaac Wang, candidate for Supervisor (district 7)
Joel Springer, candidate for School Board
Starchild, Libertarian candidate for School Board

Jen DePalma, Republican candidate for Congress (district 8)
Leilani Dowell, Peace & Freedom candidate for Congress (district 8)

It's not too late to remind your favorite candidate to attend, if you don't
see them listed here.

Please note that some of the 6 pm candidates have other commitments later
in the evening, so please be prompt.

Based on the answers tonight, and based on the questionnaires received from
other candidates (expected: h. brown and Tys Sniffen, district 5; Judith
Schiff, School Board), we will be voting on recommendations at our monthly
meeting this Saturday the 11th, 3-5 pm, at Round Table Pizza, 5160 Geary
Blvd. at 16th Ave. (see <URL: >).

Questions or RSVPs to me by e-mail or by phone at 845.8202.

- --
Christopher R. Maden, Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
The Party of Principle: individual freedom and personal responsibility
<URL: > +1.415.775.LPSF
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