Reminder: candidates form next Wednesday

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The August Direct Action Forum, as previously announced, will be a
candidates forum.

Given that IRV is looking extremely unlikely, I have not invited any
candidates for mayor. If anyone can express a compelling reason why we
need to hear from more candidates than what we have already heard from Mr.
Denny, I am open to suggestion.

I have invited Bill Fazio, Terence Hallinan, and Kamala Harris for DA, and
Tony Carrasco for Sheriff. Michael Hennessey (the incumbent sheriff) does
not choose to list any contact information whatsoever on his declaration of

I have also invited someone from the ACLU of Northern California to speak
in favor of Prop. H[1].


[1] <URL: >
- --
Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as
distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
~Ambrose Bierce / Freelance text nerd: <URL: >
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA


  Did you tell the candidates you invited anything about the schedule or format? Did you send a written invitation, or just invite them orally? (If the former, please post it.) While I'm sure it will be useful to hear from the ACLU on Prop. H and I expect to agree with their position, just inviting one side to an official endorsement event where the LPSF has not taken any position seems rather dubious without a group discussion — never mind the question of why we would want to consider only Prop. H but not the other measures on the ballot. I think it would have been a good idea to consult with me before contacting invitees, and I trust you'll do this should a similar situation arise in the future. We had never discussed anything to make me think I was not the coordinator for this event. It should be easy to reach Michael Hennessey — the Sheriff's Office is listed in the phone book.

Yours in liberty,
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