"Rebuilding SF: The Workers Story" documentary on 1906 qua...


Excellent point! As painful and disturbing as your ideas will be to the
Green, flat-earth crowd and other government worshippers that will be at the
library, they need to hear your ideas.

A few weeks ago, I read that New Orleans is expected to be functioning at
pre-Katrina levels in 25 years. No doubt, government taxes and regulations are
retarding the rebuild effort in New Orleans. Other towns on the Gulf Coast
that were hit by Katrina are further along in rebuilding their towns because
they have smaller local government bureaucracies with less tax revenue to mess
things up.

If San Francisco is ever hit with widespread disaster again, I hope San
Francisco's massive do-gooder bureaucracy remains in place (in the way) long
enough for the world to see what a disaster it is. Then, maybe, the rest of the
world will come to its senses and reject the idea that government is helpful
and good.

All the best,
