RE: protesters blocking streets

An Open Letter to Steve Dekorte in his reply to my posting below:

Dear Steve,

Thank you for your comments. Please don't get me wrong. I am not
endorsing the protestors' activities nor do I think they were a model of
public behavior. Existing law already addresses these issues and the
cases you suggest below. The issue is a ballot measure to increase fines
and the authority of the police over the powers they already have. This
concerns me as the issue is not really disruption. There are many very
inconvenient and legal events that take place in this town. There's Bay
to Breakers, Pride Parade, Chinese New Year and the countless police
escorts around town. The only difference between these events and the
protests is that the former are "legal" and the protests were not. The
amount of inconvenience in each case is not measured or a part of the
discussion. In my opinion, this is an emotional control issue and not

I'm not saying that Supervisor Hall is shilling for the US Patriot Act
as I know him to have a firm appreciation for our country's Founding
philosophy. These principals were based on the idea that people are free
to rebel against oppressive government by their own definition, not City
Hall's. Here we are discussing the publics' opinion about the war. The
choice is either to maintain status quo or increase police and
government power in protest situations. A good Libertarian will always
choose the former while making sure powers of government are more often
called on the carpet than the rights of citizens to express themselves,
even if rude.

The next time protestors come to town, I suggest the financial district
put out "Welcome Protestors" banners and we all sit down, have a cup of
tea, hold hands and sing "We Shall Overcome". Since when did San
Francisco become so adversarial? The Right must learn that personal
tolerance and voluntary diversity are their keys to economic freedom and
wealth. The Left must learn that private property and economic freedom
are their keys to personal expression and wealth. Only Libertarians
appreciate the real choice is neither Left nor Right. The choice is
economic freedom, personal freedom and wealth, versus government
authority and poverty. There is no other choice and it is a clear one
for every San Franciscan. In this and every issue, I choose Liberty.
Please join me San Francisco!
Michael F. Denny
Libertarian Candidate for San Francisco Mayor
Ph: (415) 986-7677 x123
Fax: (415) 986-4004


  Beautiful. I'm truly proud to have you as our candidate for mayor!

        <<< Starchild >>>

At 1:47 PM -0700 4/18/03, Mike Denny shared:

Yes, I agree that a ballot measure is unnecessary. Existing laws seem sufficient. From what I've heard, the police are not currently prosecuting these folks to the extent which current laws allow. If the police aren't using the full power of the current laws, why should we expect them to use further ones in this case?

Io, a small language:


  I think members of the SFPD know that San Francisco juries would be
very unlikely to uphold criminal convictions for nonviolent protesters
blocking streets. That, combined with public pressure for police to
prioritize their resources toward fighting real crime, is why they don't
enforce current laws against such actions more strongly.

  Proponents of a ballot measure realize this, which is why they want
new laws with heavy fines attached. That way they can circumvent the
protection that the Constitutional right to a jury trial affords against
the enforcement of unpopular laws.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

At 3:43 PM -0700 4/18/03, Steve Dekorte shared: