Re: Pride weekend

Hi Jawj,

Nothing organized, sadly. We need more involvement/engagement from people who care about freedom. I’ll likely go to the Pride events next weekend and distribute fliers or some such. I’d be happy to do this or potentially other activities with anyone else who is interested.

If you or anyone knows of any other pro-freedom groups like the Pink Pistols who are doing anything, please do post.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Jun 18, 2023, at 5:59 PM, JAWJ GREENWALD wrote:

Starchild – is the SFLP doing anything for Pride. I’m happy to spend a day manning a booth if the Pink Pistols or anyone else will let us join them. Let me know. Otherwise I’ll assume we haven’t geared up for it this year, and maybe we’ll be up for it next. Cheers, Jawj