Thanks, Michael. Sorry to hear this – last time I spoke with him, it sounded like he was enjoying Florida and doing well there.
I might be interested in going with you to see him on February 17, if you’re driving and that works for you.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Jan 11, 2025, at 2:08 PM, wrote:
He’s blind and doesn’t really respond to email or text. The best way to reach him is by phone. And even then, he often turns his phone off for days. Try him at 941-413-5448.
His friend Michael Gittelsohn is taking care of him. And he has a caregiver named Shades who is with him 24/7, You can reach him at 415-712-4494 i you have trouble reaching Phil directly. Sometimes Phil just forgets about his phone.
Good luck.
From: Dr. Michael R. Edelstein
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2025 1:23 PM
Cc: Starchild; Mike Acree
Subject: Re: Phillip BergThanks, Mike. I’m interested in catching up with Phil. Do you have his email address?
Warm regards, Michael
Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
415-673-2848 (24/7)
http://ThreeMinuteTherapy.comCo-author of Three Minute Therapy
with David Ramsay Steele, Ph.D.
Features help for anxiety, depression,
relationships, panic attacks, addictionOn Jan 10, 2025, at 10:38 PM, wrote:
He’s back in Oakland and not in great shape. Appears he had a severe stroke and lost 20 years in his mind. He’s blind. And his good old friend Michael Gittelohn is taking care of him. I saw him yesterday. He’s still fun and funny.
I plan to see him again Feb 17th during the day. Let me now if you want to connect with him.
Michael Denny
(415) 608-0269