In the future if you feel it advisable to give the police a heads-up
about our presence, I'd suggest saying "we expect" X number of people,
instead of saying "there will be" X number of people, since we can't
predict the future.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild ))
Sure, I'll keep that in mind for the future, but if we grow beyond a
certain size, I'm going to ask people to spread out to other corners at
the intersection, so we can interact with more people. I don't expect
us to have more than a half dozen people at any corner at any particular
time. When a group gets much larger than that, they become an annoyance
(as I've found when a dozen tourists are all blocking the sidewalk
listening to a tour guide). My goal isn't to annoy pedestrians or the
police, but rather to get our message out to as many people as possible.
Starchild wrote: