I’m copying the Activists list on this thread, since this is the perfect kind of thing to discuss there.
I can write blurbs for whatever ballot measures others don’t volunteer to write up. Richard’s volunteered to write something against Prop. E, anyone else?
I’m not sure how many local periodicals publish “letters to the editor” any more (the Bay Area Reporter does), but for those that do, writing to them is certainly one thing we can do. Some of the others have reader comments on their website. I used to be a regular commenter at SFist.com, until in June 2022 they suddenly and without explanation deleted about a month’s worth of my comments (older ones were still there). I have no idea what prompted this – was not aware of anything I might have suspected was a “terms of service” violation on my part. Several months later, the comments were apparently restored without explanation. But I was never able to reach anyone there! I even went by their supposed offices, at what seems to be a residential address on California Street, and got the runaround from whoever came to the door, who seemed not to want to connect me with anyone at the paper. One advertising person I did reach by phone was extremely rude and unhelpful. So I haven’t been commenting on their site since then.
For a while I switched my commenting on local news to the Standard. The Standard was started by YIMBYs and is basically funded by the moderate wing of local Democratic politics. They’ve had some pretty good local journalistic content in recent times, but mid-2023 got rid of reader comments on their website (SFStandard.com – they’re online-only as far as I know). When I wrote asking about this, I was told they were planning to revamp their website and that comments would be coming back in the early fall, but that never happened. At first it seemed like their editor Remy Stern (I presume he’s an editor) with whom I was corresponding was very open to input, but I haven’t been able to get a reply from him for quite a while now (see message thread below).
In frustration I started cc’ing a bunch of their reporters, and still got no reply. It’s a bit disgusting – journalists of all people should be attuned to how messed up it is when sources just ignore their attempts to contact them, and not exhibit the same behavior themselves.
I encourage others to try emailing them and see if you get any responses. Feel free to refer to my inquiry/correspondence.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
From: Starchild sfdreamer@earthlink.net
Subject: News tip
To: Remy Stern remy@sfstandard.com
Cc: Rosalie Tapavalu rosalie@sfstandard.com, info@sfstandard.com, tips@sfstandard.com, David Sjostedt david@sfstandard.com, Astrid Kane astrid@sfstandard.com, Annie Gaus annie@sfstandard.com, Ida Mojadad ida@sfstandard.com, Jonah Owen Lamb jonah@sfstandard.com, Josh Koehn josh@sfstandard.com, Kevin Truong kevin@sfstandard.com, Liz Lindqwister elindqwister@sfstandard.com, Michael Barba michael@sfstandard.com, Mike Ege ege@sfstandard.com,On Feb 11, 2024, at 2:10 AM, Starchild sfdreamer@earthlink.net wrote:
On Jan 29, 2024, at 8:12 PM, Starchild <sfdreamer@earthlink.net mailto:sfdreamer@earthlink.net> wrote:
Still no response. Why is no one at the Standard responding to emails?? This isn’t how you want sources to treat you when you attempt to reach them, right?
I have a news tip for you all that I think you might find of interest. Please call me.
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997On Jan 26, 2024, at 6:05 PM, Starchild <sfdreamer@earthlink.net mailto:sfdreamer@earthlink.net> wrote:
If you receive this message, please let me know.
((( starchild )))
On Jan 3, 2024, at 12:45 AM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Remy and colleagues,
It’s now 2024, still haven’t heard back from anyone. If you’re reading this, please drop me a line.
((( starchild )))
On Dec 19, 2023, at 5:37 PM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hello Remy and all, still waiting on a reply!
Is there any SF Standard holiday party happening?
Hope you all are enjoying the season, and look forward to hearing from you.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997On Dec 4, 2023, at 7:41 PM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Bumping this, as still no further reply (from anyone with the Standard).
((( starchild )))
On Nov 19, 2023, at 8:05 AM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Still no response, Remy! Does anyone else copied on this message know whether Remy is getting his emails, or have any info/update on reader comments at the San Francisco Standard, or the other issues I raised (scroll down for conversation history)? If you do, please share.
While I’m writing to you all, I’ll mention (again for some of you) that I’m available as a source to take your calls or email inquiries any time you’re covering a story and want to include a libertarian/pro-freedom perspective (which ought to be any time you’re writing about something that concerns individual rights or the size, cost, scope, or power of government!) If I can’t personally provide the quote or perspective you’re looking for, I may be able to connect you with someone in the libertarian community who can. Feel free to reach out to me any time at this email address or the phone number below.
Best wishes to all for a happy Thanksgiving!
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
(415) 573-7997On Nov 7, 2023, at 5:28 AM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hello Remy,
It’s now November 7, well past “early fall”. I’ve seen no response to the last two emails I sent you October 7 and October 21 (below). What’s the story?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Oct 21, 2023, at 3:34 AM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Still waiting to hear back on this! Previously you wrote,
"We will be bringing back discussions/comments when we launch a new version of the site in the early fall. It will give readers even more of a voice and provide a much better user experience.”
That was welcome news. But it’s now late October, and still no reader comments on the website. Nor have I gotten a phone call from you, or seen any news about convening a group for reader feedback as you mentioned (hopefully to be part of an ongoing conversation integrated with the Standard’s operations, not just as a one-time thing, or to be kept at arms length from actual newsroom decisions!).
When can readers expect to have a voice at the Standard again? Please feel free to reach out to me any time at the number below, and if I miss your call, leave your direct number and the best time(s) for me to call you back.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997On Oct 7, 2023, at 11:59 PM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Still no reader comments at the Standard, and I still have not received any further reply on this thread.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Sep 25, 2023, at 10:16 PM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi Remy,
Just following up on this thread from August. I don’t believe I’ve received any reply after my last message below. Given it’s almost October, I’m just wondering what the status is on bringing back reader comments. Also, any progress on convening a group of readers? How about chatting by phone? May I see the results of the reader survey you mention?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Aug 11, 2023, at 6:21 PM, Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi Remy,
Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, I’m open to chatting in the meantime. At what number can I reach you directly? Please send, and I’ll call you.
((( starchild )))
On Aug 11, 2023, at 3:28 PM, Remy Stern <remy@sfstandard.com mailto:remy@sfstandard.com> wrote:
Hi Starchild,
Apologies for not replying sooner!
Yes, we would very much like to convene a group of readers to solicit feedback from. We haven’t organized that yet, but have plans to. (We recently conducted an online survey of our readers which was very helpful.) But if you’re open to chatting in the meantime, I’d be happy to give you a call. (Or if you’re more comfortable waiting until we get a group together, that’s perfectly fine, too.)
To answer your other questions:
- We probably won’t restore the old comments in the future. It will be challenging to re-import them into the new system and people don’t often go back and read the comments on older stories, so it’s unlikely to be worth the effort.
- No, we’re not a paper. We don’t have a print edition. We’re just available on the web as well as on platforms like Apple News.
- I’m the Chief Operating Officer at The Standard. I joined the company last fall. I’ve been working on our plans to take The Standard to the next level. We have a redesign coming in the next couple of months as well as a bunch of new features in the works. We’re also expanding the team to provide even better coverage of local issues.
On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 5:47 PM Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi Remy,It’s good that the archived comments are preserved; they will be put back up when the new system is in place? As far as a phone call, sure. You’re welcome to call me any time at the number below. Even better than just one-to-one, if there is any committee or group at the Standard working on this stuff, I’d be happy to attend a group meeting or conversation. Or maybe you are the point person for the changes? What’s your role at the paper? (Or should I even call it a paper? Does the Standard have a print edition? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.)
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
(415) 573-7997On Jul 31, 2023, at 4:02 PM, Remy Stern <remy@sfstandard.com mailto:remy@sfstandard.com> wrote:
Hi there,
Yes, you will be able to register directly. You won’t need to use a third-party platform unless you want to. As for historical comments, we’ve archived them so we have a copy of them, but they’re not visible on the site at the moment.
I’d be happy to tell you more about what we have in mind. And I would love your input/feedback on what you like and don’t like. Are you available for a phone call this week or next?
RemyOn Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 2:28 PM Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Thanks for clarifying, Remy – I’m glad to hear this is temporary. Will the new comments system preserve independent registration (not make people use some third-party service like Facebook or Disqus in order to comment)? I hope so. What other details can you tell me about the planned approach?Are readers able to participate in the discussion for planning this or other changes affecting readers? If not, I encourage the Standard to involve us in the process – to give readers a seat at the proverbial table.
And what about reader comments that have already been written and published? Do those still appear on the pages where they were posted?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Jul 31, 2023, at 2:22 PM, Remy Stern <remy@sfstandard.com mailto:remy@sfstandard.com> wrote:
Hi Starchild!
First off, thanks for being a reader!
We will be bringing back discussions/comments when we launch a new version of the site in the early fall. It will give readers even more of a voice and provide a much better user experience.
We’ve removed comments until then. Sorry about the inconvenience. But thank you for bearing with us and looking forward to having you participate in the new format once it’s live!
RemyOn Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 1:51 PM Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Thanks for your reply Rosalie. This is an unwelcome move. Who made this decision? Why? Was there any reader input in the decision-making process? How can it be appealed?Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Jul 31, 2023, at 12:19 PM, Rosalie Tapavalu <rosalie@sfstandard.com mailto:rosalie@sfstandard.com> wrote:
Hi Starchild,
We no longer have a comment section on our website.
Instead, please feel free to email any thoughts or questions to info@sfstandard.com mailto:info@sfstandard.com and any tips to tips@sfstandard.com mailto:tips@sfstandard.com.
Thanks for reading!
Rosalie Tapavalu (she/her)
Editorial Assistant, The San Francisco Standard https://sfstandard.com/ | @sfstandard https://twitter.com/SFStandardOn Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:46 AM Starchild <realreform@earthlink.net mailto:realreform@earthlink.net> wrote:
Can’t find them on the SF Standard site.
On Feb 12, 2024, at 5:16 PM, x fastrichard77@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, Terry and Martin. I look forward to meeting you in person soon.
All, I suggest we divide up writing about the ballot measures according to who is passionate about which. I am volunteering to write about E (Orwellian police state) and F (mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. If someone else also feels strongly about either or both, I’ll defer to them. I recommend replying with which measure(s) you volunteer for, that way there’s no confusion or double work.
As an aside, I see SF news articles daily about the City and County curtailing our freedoms left and right. I’m thinking of writing letters to the editor of these periodicals giving a libertarian perspective. Needless to say, I can’t reply to all of them, just those strike me particularly egregious. I encourage others to do the same.
Lastly, I think we should start a list of events coming up that the LPSF could table at and their respective fees, to see which is likely to be a good investment for attracting new members. On that note, I suppose it’s never too early to start planning for a presence at SF Pride (parade and other related events).
In Liberty,
Richard Fast
341-799-5565On Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 6:51 PM Starchild <sfdreamer@earthlink.net mailto:sfdreamer@earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi Richard,Terry’s email is <terry.nycum@gmail.com mailto:terry.nycum@gmail.com>.
I keep meaning to make it to one of the local World Nude Bike Rides. LPSF member Marty (well, I thought he was a member, but his name doesn’t appear on the recent list the state secretary sent us) is a big nudist activist involved with this event, and mentioned to me on Twitter (X) that this was happening yesterday, but unfortunately it conflicted with our meeting. He doesn’t use a phone which makes just spontaneously touching base with him about stuff difficult, but I am copying him on this email. (Marty, how did it go yesterday? Are you going to the state convention? If Adrian’s in a tizzy about what I might wear, I’m sure he’d love a nude presence, lol! Have you renewed your membership recently?)
Terry (also copied on this message) have you renewed yours? Will you be going to the convention? It sounded like you were planning to return from SoCal around the time it’s happening in Orange County.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
On Feb 11, 2024, at 10:48 AM, x <fastrichard77@gmail.com mailto:fastrichard77@gmail.com> wrote:
I also saw this: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/naked-bike-ride-sf-18659586.php https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/naked-bike-ride-sf-18659586.php
The article hits me with a pay wall, but I can read the first few paragraphs.
I agree that “nudism is freedom”. Do we want to issue a statement that we support nude biking in the city?
On Sun, Feb 11, 2024, 5:17 AM x <fastrichard77@gmail.com mailto:fastrichard77@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jawj and Starchild,Attached are the minutes from yesterday’s meeting.
Starchild – I don’t have Terry’s e-mail address. Could you send it to me so I can include him? Thanks.
In Liberty,
Richard Fast