RE: [lpsf-discuss] Trade / Monopolies

You are right Steve...I'm just saying that this way is less intrusive than say income taxes or specific trade limits.

But certainly the less taken out of the hands of traders and diverted to government is best.


I understand and think that's an interesting idea. My concern with non-income or land tax revenue collection schemes is the problem of clearly defined rules. If there's any wiggle room or apparent justification for wiggling, it opens the doors to everyone wanting to get exceptions and the system degrades into a he-who-can-work-the-plutocracy-wins situation, which tends to be large communes(aka corporations).

If you must have a tax, it seems to me the ideal would be to link it to, say, the square of increase in the individual's net worth as measured in buying power. This way, the government would be only paid in proportion to how much it maintained increased prosperity - or by how much didn't prevent prosperity, depending on your perspective. :slight_smile:

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