RE: [lpsf-discuss] Re: USGov's greatest blunders of the last 100 years

Dear Derek,
   Great lits. I would add to the list the Supreme Court ruling that allowed eminent domain to be used for private gain because it gives the government increased taxes. If you agree, we are part of an all volunteer group gathering signatures to put the issue on the Nov. ballot in California. You can go to to find out more. If you want petitions you can download them from that website (a bit tricky for me) or call the 408 number and they'll send some (which I do) or e-mail us and we'll send you some. If you could pass this e-mail on to all you think might be interested, we would appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Bob and Marge

Limit Eminent Domain- Official Cyber Campaign- PLEASE FORWARD!

Limit Eminent Domain ~The People�s Initiative
Dear Fellow Californians,
This Initiative is an all voluntary grassroots effort organized by concerned citizens whose aim is to join with others throughout California to qualify an Initiative that would restore eminent domain to TRUE public use and put an end to its widespread abuse. This is a nonpartisan California Constitutional Amendment that is not tied to any political ideology: its sole purpose is to prohibit eminent domain for private gain. Local government would no longer be able to use eminent domain to transfer your property to a private individual or corporation for development and private gain and for higher tax revenues.
You have the opportunity to make a difference and have your voice heard by going to:
where you can download the petition for this very important campaign to limit eminent domain. You will also find important instructions for printing and circulation. If you would like a petition mailed to you, please call (408) 882-5008.

We have until April 30th to collect 800,000 signatures to qualify this Initiative for the November 2006 ballot. Time is of the essence! Every initiative since Prop 13 has used paid signature gatherers. We are different in that we are grass roots and all volunteer. This is truly an Initiative for the people, by the people!
Please forward this email to your groups, family and friends. It is our intention to have LED's cyber campaign act as a pyramid, reaching fellow Californians in every county!
Your participation in this important endeavor would be very much appreciated and would be to the benefit of the "average" property owner. Together, we can make this dream a reality!
Thank you!
LED Coordinating Committee .