RE: [lpsf-discuss] Re: September 11 - Information and movie screening

Here's a good article from Charlie Reese that relates to this
conversation...and Libertarians who are too concerned about how they
"appear" to others.

We are here because we enjoy being who we are within this political
party and this list. There's no other reason to be here. Those who would
sacrifice these values for others are disconnected to the values of
those here who are in this party and on this list.


The Eleventh Commandment

by <> Charley Reese

As the world gets crazier and crazier, perhaps a little Buddhist wisdom
would help us all cope.

Buddhist monks, like Catholic priests, are supposed to be celibate. One
day long ago, an older monk and a young monk were walking along a road
toward their monastery. They came to a stream that had to be forded, and
on the other side a beautiful young girl stood staring at the swirling

Without hesitation, the older monk waded across, picked up the girl and
carried her through the water to the other side. Then the two monks
resumed their journey, but the older monk noticed that his young
companion was sulking.

"What's wrong?" he finally asked.

"How could you do that?" the young monk said. "How could you pick up
that young girl? How could you hold her in your arms?"

The older monk laughed. "I put her down a long time ago, but you're
still carrying her."

One of the points of this story is to deal with the present situation,
but then let it go. The same point is made in the wonderful novel "Zorba
the Greek," by Nikos Kazantzakis. A mob of superstitious villagers
decides to murder a young widow because the people believe she has the
evil eye and has caused the death of a young man. Zorba valiantly fights
to save her life, but when he fails, he shrugs and goes home. The
situation was over. The moment had passed. He let it go.

Lots of people have a great deal of trouble letting things go. Some
people go through their whole lives reacting to situations in certain
ways because of things that happened to them when they were children or
adolescents. Neither past nor future exists except in our minds.

A samurai once advised that serious matters should be taken lightly, and
small matters seriously. Really serious matters will occur only two or
three times in a lifetime. One prepares for them by taking seriously the
details of daily life. To use a martial example, one may not have an
occasion to kill another man but once in several decades. However, if
you have paid attention to daily practice with your weapon, when that
fatal day arrives, you can handle it easily.

There is a great similarity between Zen Buddhism and Roman Stoicism.
Emperor Marcus Aurelius said it is pointless to get angry at anyone no
matter what he does, because whatever he does, he believes it is the
right thing to do. When I first read that as a hot-tempered lad in
school, it struck me as foolish. As the years of experience pile up, I
begin to see the wisdom of it.

These days, I'm astounded to the point of laughter at how angry some
people get simply because someone has an opinion they don't agree with.
Democrats made a stink about the Iraqi prime minister speaking to
Congress because he had criticized Israel and not criticized Hezbollah.
It was especially funny because the whole business in Iraq has been
based on the Big Lie that we care about freedom and democracy. Well,
freedom means a man can say he doesn't like Israel if that's his
opinion. How does one man's opinion affect another man's life? It
doesn't, unless the second man allows it to.

Here's one last tip from an old samurai: "Human life lasts but an
instant. One should spend it doing what one pleases. In this world,
fleeting as a dream, to live in misery doing only what one dislikes is

And here's a tip from me: You and I are not going to solve the great
problems of the world, nor did God place responsibility for the universe
and the fate of mankind on our shoulders. Or as I or someone else once
put it, remember the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shall not sweat it, Ace.

July 31, 2006

Charley Reese [send him mail
<> ] has been a
journalist for 49 years.

(Attachment image001.jpg is missing)

Lew Rockwell is on tonight
talking about War and The Barbarous
Relic. I have copied the whole article
onto the Issues link of my campaign
website at
Please have a look at the website and
send me comments. Advice about media
outlets that I should contact is also
appreciated. Marci, Please call me 305
8755. Thanks to Steve DeKorte for help
on the website.
Lew talks about a book by Bill Bonner
Last week I went to symposium
sponsored by them in Vancouver.

The number one lesson...Like all faith
based currencies for the last five
thousand years, The dollar is
Gold is going to the moom. The number
two lesson is that the mutual fund
USERX, US Global Gold fund is the
best way to participate in the Gold bull
market. The guy who runs USERX,
Frank Holmes is a freaking genius. Take
a look at US globals' family of funds as
a whole. Thier funds are the best
performing in the whole universe of
mutual for the past year, the past three
years and the past five years. This may
be the best route for the skeptics and less
sophisticated to ride the gold bull and
may be even be a great route for
seasoned gold bugs like me.. The
summer doldrums in the resource markets
may be coming to an end very soon. A
well diversified portfolio has at least five
to twenty percent invested in precious
metals according to traditional portfolio
theory. Precious metals run counter to all
other asset classes.

Phil - What is your take on gold mining stocks?