Your posts have been helpful in explaining your position, but it looks
to me as though we're seeing somewhat different things in this
proposition. Your objections seem to be directed primarily against
public schools and education bureaucrats, but as far as I can see this
proposition doesn't prescribe a role for them. It makes it a crime for
a doctor to perform an abortion on a minor if she objects to notifying
her parents. Legislating medical practice like that could certainly put
doctors in an uncomfortable position. It seems distinctly
unlibertarian, and to defend it on the ground that your children are
your property also seem unlibertarian--though the platform is now silent
on the issue of children's rights. Perhaps most centrally, I don't see
that your "responsibility to know where your kids are" entails forcing
other people to tell you.
That said, I respect your position and feel no need to change it. But I
can't say that you've changed my mind yet, either.