RE: [lpsf-discuss] RE: Josh Wolf benefit planning afoot

No website article from h. brown, one of the organizers is
coming out today


You can find background information on Josh' site:

I am going to work with his mom to see if we can
update it while he is gone.

The Trance Portal party in GG Park this coming Sunday,
will be collecting donations for Josh legal fund also: is throwing a free trance day party
located in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco

When: Sunday August 13th, 2006
Where: Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Time: Noon till 6:00pm

--- Mike Denny <mike@...> a �crit�:

Harlan,These are some of the lines you
may consider for the Josh Wolf benefit...

I don't care what Ralf Nader says about
her, Krisssey is doing a great job with
campaign. But I gatta tell ya, I have a
really big problem with Krissey's main
campaign platform. Krissey says that
George Bush deserves to be impeached.
George Bush doesn't deserve to be
impeached…he derves to be drawn and
quatered, his body parts spread to the
corners of the country and his head
on display on the Woodrow Wilson
bridges to rot for twenty years. Thts is
what the Brits used to do for high level
miscreants. Oh, but we are a civilized
country now and nobody gets what they
deserve anymore. Besides if he was
impeached, the boys that run the show
have plenty more like him waiting in the
wings. Nothing would change and perhaps
things would get even worse.

But seriously, we Libertarians have a lot
in common with the Greens. We both
know that the embrace between the
government and the military industrial
complex has been getting ever more
intimate ever since the Republic was
founded. Democracy is largely a patina
put on the fraud of elite control. The
machine, the elite, and the financiers
the true power brokers. Which came first
the chicken or the egg, the corrupt Wall
Street Corporate elitists or the corrupt
politicians. Hard to say, as they have
dancing together for so long. The
Founders, with all thier imperfections,
knew that governments are always
corrupted by the interests of the
and elites. That is why they wrote a
constitution that limited the power of
government as much as possible. Most
progressives in this room will probably
disagree with that view, but please bear
me out. Modern progressives have the
dream that the government can be
harnessed for the good of the people, and
that the powerful can be held at bay by
campaign reform laws and other devices.
The good caring motherly government can
be expanded until all Americans live in
Alabaster City on a Hill. The result of
elusive dream is that nearly all
constitutional constraints on the size
scope of the Federal government have been
eliminated, enabling endless war that
threatens to escalate into World War III,
as the authorities are starting to call
The Alabaster city on the Hill remains a
far off dream, and the reality is that
Progressives have been the unwitting
idealogical enablers of the malignant
growth of the military financial complex.
I call it the military financial complex
because the money men have dismantled
industry and outsourced it) It's time to
wake up from the dream, before the US
Government takes us to Armageddon.

The country is nearly evenlysplit right
red blue at this time. There are a lot of
people in the heartland who would
abandon the neo cons for the vision of a
smaller federal Government restored to
Constitutional scope. If just a small
percentage of left Progressives become
Libertarian progressives, we could end
right left impasse and strike a dagger
through the elitist war machine. The Air
Force really would need a bake sale for a
new aircraft carrier. You could be the
who makes this happen. As Ghandi said, if
you think you are unimportant, try
sleeping with a misquito.

Okay, thats a tough dream to give up, the
socialist alabaster city on a hill, OK
keep the dream, but transfer it to
Sacramento. After, all Sacramento,
Albany, and Austin are not in a hurry to
Nuke Iran.