Dear Bruce,
Thanks for your comments and insights. I realize I'm not being
politically correct in presenting my views of the Old and New Testament.
But as someone who has done considerable religious analysis of my Jewish
heritage, my Catholic heritage and my personal interest in Eastern
Mysticism, I must say that the New Testament and the words of Jesus have
transformed me. Jesus was a Jew who took his faith and culture, one of
the most interesting, complex and well-documented in history, to a new
level. Many Jews I know are proud of that. It's never easy for people
who are raised in a particular faith and culture to reconsider it. I had
the freedom to do my own analysis and I found a way to reconcile these
issues. Without the Jews there would have been no Jesus. Once again, I'm
not trying to convert anyone or speak down to other religions. Few
people have more problems with the Catholic Church than I do. Despite
that, I love the Catholic Faith.
I hope this helps.