RE: [lpsf-discuss] gun control

Steve, sometimes I think you have a remarkably low opinion of the
intelligence of people. And it seems you don't have much faith in the
natural instinct for and the ability of people to work together in their
mutual self interest. This cooperative and self-serving nature is
identified very well in the blackout article Michael Edelstein sent. In
short, I think this view should be reconsidered. The wonderful qualities
of most people by far certainly outweigh the offenses of the exceptions.
And the interests of the majority of people are more worthy of
consideration than those of an offensive few.

To someone who is crazy, no law against juggling fragile vials will stop
them. I don't think we need a law against juggling deadly viruses any
more than we need a law to prevent someone from drinking large
quantities of DrainO. Those that want to, will. Those that don't want
to, won't. It's not productive for a society to spend more time worrying
about, discussing and legislating against crazy people, than celebrating
the good, free and cooperative nature of the vast majority.


Hi Mike,

So you do believe individuals should have the right to possess nuclear weapons?

OSX freeware and shareware:


Enough with the questions. They are starting to repeat. This thread is too long.


Steve Dekorte wrote: