RE: [lpsf-discuss] Gay Marriage

Thanks Steve,

What's in the past is in the past....clear breaks can occur with the past and a clear path can be forged for the future. It's not required that every wrong from the past be addressed in the new understanding. It is my wish that what was once wrong with the past is acknowledged and avoided in the future. The decision of a state to acknowledge that's its position was wrong and to suggest that it doesn't have authority where it once thought it did is a good thing in my opinion. I won't think less of you for disagreeing...political reality not withstanding.

Best regards


Well, as long as you apply the all-or-nothing (no government or keep government as it is) principle to all of your other Libertarian positions, I can't accused you of being inconsistent. But I will call you on it, if you aren't. :wink:

-- Steve