Bravo, Michael!
I second that! Jim Reid may not be a libertarian, but he has some damn good
ideas from time to time. I have yet to see anyone propose a better specific
solution to the homeless issue. This is a major reason why I was flirting
with backing him for mayor the last time he ran in '99 -- yeah, he had his
basic house built and was promoting it back then, but (like now) most
people wouldn't give him the time of day because he's not part of the
establishment and his idea threatens their control.
As a matter of fact, I've scheduled Jim as our Direct Action Forum speaker
for next month (April 16) to talk about his shelter and then for people to
visit his home and see it themselves after dinner. I also talked to Jim
about he and Mike Denny cooperating to try to keep the lesser-known
candidates from being shut out of various debates and such, and he is . He
suggested that a major problem is getting into the mayoral polls. He also
thinks one of the "big four" candidates (Alioto, Ammiano, Leal, Newsom)
will drop out soon, because the Chamber of Commerce and others will only
allow three candidates to debate.
Power to the people!
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At 2:52 PM -0800 3/18/03, Acree, Michael shared: