RE: [lpsf-discuss] Anti-occupation rally Saturday

I'll be there, too--City Hall steps, _Polk Street side_, I assume?

I would personally object to a sign that said "Libertarians Against Imperialism," for the same reason I would object to a sign that said "Libertarians Against Big Government." It implies that we are a splinter group, and that many libertarians favor big government, or imperialism. I think the plain LP banner would be best, and I'd be happy to hold it high. I have no objection, I hasten to add, to Mike Denny's slogan "No War," added to either the banner or his campaign signs or banner (which I would also be happy to carry).


Good point. I hadn't thought of that reason for changing the slogan, but I had already decided to either use another slogan or change it to "Another Libertarian Against Imperialism" because I didn't want to imply that the people around me agreed with that view of the situation. Since using the word "Imperialism" seems to be controversial, I'm trying to think of a better slogan. Any suggestions? (I'm not fond of "No War" because this rally is about the occupation, although I guess the occupation could be seen as a continuation of the war.)

I have two objections to using the plain LP banner: (1) Some (perhaps many) of our members don't want the LP to be associated with ANSWER, and our contingent will not be officially authorized to represent the LP. (2) When I see signs at these rallies with only the name of a political organization or a political candidate, I feel that they are trying to capitalize on the rally. The signs aren't supposed to be a way of influencing people at the rally. They are supposed to be a way of influencing people watching the rally about the subject of the rally. However, I'm OK with holding a Denny for Mayor sign as long as it is only a part of a sign with a slogan appropriate for the rally, and I would like for people at the rally to see that there are libertarians who oppose war and occupation. Maybe the fact that the Denny posters have "Libertarian" written on them means that the added text doesn't need to include the "L" word. Maybe I'll just echo the theme of the rally: "Bring the Troops Home Now!"

I guess you saw Mike's message that the meeting place will be at the steps on the Polk Street side of City Hall, between 11 a.m. and noon. I'll bring some posterboard, scissors, a marker, and a stapler.



  How about "Free Iraq!"? Or if you want to be provocative: "Gun Control & State Run Medicine Don't Work In Iraq, Either -- Stop Exporting American Socialism!" 8)

Yours in liberty,
              <<< Starchild >>>


Thanks for the sign ideas. I'm sorry to be negative, and I don't want to discourage suggestions, but I think the first one could be misinterpreted (it could just as easily be used by war supporters) and the second one is too long. (Remember that the signs will be strips on top of Denny for Mayor signs.) Of course, people at the protest can make whatever signs they want with the materials I bring, but I think we should keep in mind that what we say will be associated with Mike's name.
