Thanks very much, Michael. I happen to agree with you, but I'm afraid you and Chris and I are alone in that opinion. Chris, as you know, announced the publication of my article to the list on March 4, when it was picked up by Rational Review News Digest. Yours is the only response I've had since then, with the exception of David Rhodes, who pronounced it dense. (He emphasized that he was talking about the paper, not the author.) I had actually expected that some part or other of the paper would draw flak from almost everybody (the section on epistemology, if nothing else, from libertarians). In the case of my liberal friends, their silence could be interpreted as their being too polite to tell me what they actually thought, but obviously that explanation doesn't apply to libertarians. Who knows, but I'm grateful for your breaking the trend.
Well then, sorry for the non-response! I read the article when Chris
posted it and enjoyed it very much. It was coincidentally very relevant to
a conversation I had just had with a Democrat friend, so I forwarded it to
him, and I'll forward his response to you as well.
I liked the psychological approach in general. I found the discussion of
how "many libertarians have rejected the family model of the family"
particularly interesting. I'll take a leap and post an essay I wrote on
this topic a while back:
I thought the article was excellent and I posted a link to it from my blog.
-- Steve