re LPSF and CALP fundraiser`

Mark and Lpsf Activists.

Rich Newell, ourr new vice chair called and asked for us to plan a fundraiser for ourselves and the California party and suggested May 22. I thought about it for a few days , and here are some questions that may help to form the nexus of a plan...
  but before I get to that, thank you Mark Johnson of the executive committee for offering to help plan and recruit for a fundraiser.

Rich Newell has suggested May 22 is that too soon, or is it best to go with that ddate to help the state party leadership to get on the ground running?

Is an attractive venue a good idea?
How about 22 Hawthorne Lane?

Should this be pay your own way" or a fixed price?

If a fixed price,...

Would $100 per person be appropriate?

if $100 per plate or some other number ids decided,
Should we try to raise money ahead of time to subsidize activists who otherwise could not atttend?

Could high profile or high dollar attendees be invited to form an informal friends of Liberty Committee?

On a related topic, Dems and Repubs have powerful coalition groups that meet and share ideas, and contacts. Many of us in the libertarian party know and are close with free thinking folks in other organizations that have libertarian leanings but are not associated with the party for idealogical , legal or habitual reasons.

We need to get together with these folks , share contacts and ideas on a personal basis, and generate unified and powerful projects.

Just off the top of my head, folks from the independant institute, santa clara university, the other local bay area libs, liberty leaning Republicans and democrsts, the tax payer union folks, Ed Jew and some of his supporters, the war and law folks, come to mind.

Would the name Bay Liberty United We Stand coalition , be a good working name.

Should forming the coalition be done in conjunction with this fundraiser or seperate.?

Should we give a silver eagle to all attendees as a reward for attending?

Your thoughts on these questions would be greatly appreciated as soon as possible,especially the question about the date.

LPSF activists who would like to participate in the planning , inviting and execution of a joint State Local fundraiser, please give your input.

Please answer the questions in succint fashion first and then offer succint suggestions and ideas.
We can make this happen and be a big success for SF and CA liberty and the beginning of much success to come.

Lets do this.


Phil, all of these ideas are intriguing, but I would caution against
doing anything with a high per-plate dollar amount with only a couple
weeks of notice. We organized a $200/plate fundraiser for Badnarik in
2004 with a full month's notice and just barely broke even, despite us
organizers absorbing a large chunk of the expenses. (Still, it was so
nice that I'd do it again just for the morale boost it gave to our

Even if you rush out invitations quickly in the next few days, and your
RSVP deadline for restaurant reservations or catering is only 5 days
before the event, you still have just a week between people receiving
their invitations and having to RSVP. Because of that, I'd urge a
pay-your-own-way event or a sub-$50/plate fixed price. Unfortunately,
there are few restaurants that will absorb the risk of giving you a room
without a guaranteed minimum attendance and minimum price, so perhaps if
you want to get the ball rolling quickly by May 22, you should find a
cheap/free place and do inexpensive buffet catering, so that the risk of
a poor turnout won't be devastating financially. Remember, even wealthy
Republicans would show up for a Bush paper plate BBQ fundraiser, so you
don't have to have a formal event to bring in reasonably big bucks.

But if you all decide to do a nice, somewhat expensive event in late
June or early July, count me in. (Believe it or not, even after living
just a block from Hawthorne Lane for three years and planning to move
back to the same neighborhood next month, I never got the opportunity to
go there, so it would be a treat for me.)


Philip Berg wrote:

Hi Phil,

1. IMHO, Rob is correct; you might need more time.

2. Shall I place this in the Agenda for May 12? I am assuming yes,
unless I hear differently from you.

3. You say you would like to include Ed Jew, so I am wondering if
you saw my e-mail to you of May 2 suggesting you, as Chair, follow up
on the package delivery and his interest in visiting the LPSF.
Keeping him in the look every chance we get seems like a good idea to



--- In, "Philip Berg" <philip@...>

Mark and Lpsf Activists.

Rich Newell, ourr new vice chair called and asked for us to plan a

fundraiser for ourselves and the California party and suggested May
22. I thought about it for a few days , and here are some questions
that may help to form the nexus of a plan...

  but before I get to that, thank you Mark Johnson of the executive

committee for offering to help plan and recruit for a fundraiser.

Rich Newell has suggested May 22 is that too soon, or is it best to

go with that ddate to help the state party leadership to get on the
ground running?

Is an attractive venue a good idea?
How about 22 Hawthorne Lane?

Should this be pay your own way" or a fixed price?

If a fixed price,...

Would $100 per person be appropriate?

if $100 per plate or some other number ids decided,
Should we try to raise money ahead of time to subsidize activists

who otherwise could not atttend?

Could high profile or high dollar attendees be invited to form an

informal friends of Liberty Committee?

On a related topic, Dems and Repubs have powerful coalition

groups that meet and share ideas, and contacts. Many of us in the
libertarian party know and are close with free thinking folks in
other organizations that have libertarian leanings but are not
associated with the party for idealogical , legal or habitual

We need to get together with these folks , share contacts and ideas

on a personal basis, and generate unified and powerful projects.

Just off the top of my head, folks from the independant institute,

santa clara university, the other local bay area libs, liberty
leaning Republicans and democrsts, the tax payer union folks, Ed Jew
and some of his supporters, the war and law folks, come to mind.

Would the name Bay Liberty United We Stand coalition , be a good

working name.

Should forming the coalition be done in conjunction with this

fundraiser or seperate.?

Should we give a silver eagle to all attendees as a reward for


Your thoughts on these questions would be greatly appreciated as

soon as possible,especially the question about the date.

LPSF activists who would like to participate in the planning ,

inviting and execution of a joint State Local fundraiser, please give
your input.

Please answer the questions in succint fashion first and then offer

succint suggestions and ideas.

We can make this happen and be a big success for SF and CA liberty

and the beginning of much success to come.