RE: [lpsf-activists] Proposal and Tender Offer of Funds: "No on A" Get Out the Vote Drive

First of all I want to thank Matt for his generous offer as well as everyone else who has pledged to fund this effort.

I wish I could be more optimistic about galvanizing libertarians who support fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately we have tried this in the past and it hasn’t worked.

Gerry Cullen and I launched a massive effort in 2001 to contact all registered libertarians. I called (and wrote) everyone on the list we got from the Elections Department. A huge proportion of people had moved. Others did not pick up their phones or respond to messages or notes. I may have reached 10 people who said they would come to our events or donate. None showed up and I think we got 2 new memberships.

We have done a number of mailings since and gotten very little for the effort. In fact when I was LPSF secretary I remember that a substantial proportion of the postcards we used to send out would come back to us.

In any event, hope does spring eternal, so I’m in for $500. Am off to North Korea on Tuesday but will mail a check to the LPSF c/o Marcy for this effort before I leave.


Subject: [lpsf-activists] Proposal and Tender Offer of Funds: “No on A”
Get Out the Vote Drive
From: Matthew Murphy <>
Date: Sat, August 17, 2013 11:11 pm
To: LPSF Activist List <>


I believe Measure A is setting up San Francisco for a budget-busting explosion of retiree health care costs that could result in a Detroit-style municipal bankruptcy. Starchild’s reading of the law seems accurate and paints an ugly picture. The unions are clamoring in support, and the proposal was rushed in at the last minute. It’s a good issue that we could use to galvanize libertarians who support fiscal responsibility.

I suggest we mail (or e-mail, for those with addresses available) a large percentage of San Francisco’s 3,000 registered Libertarians, with:

  1. A brief “Voter Guide” type pamphlet, along the lines of what MoveOn, Campaign for Liberty, etc., send out in bigger national elections.
  2. A request for donations to continue the effort, and an invitation to the LPSF’s events.
  3. Reference information on the LPSF and other groups in the area with similar aims/focus.

I understand that such efforts are expensive, but I want to help defray some of that cost.

If the party is willing to support this effort, I will contribute up to $2,000 to the cost of any mailing, on a 1-to-1 matching basis. That is, whatever dollar amount others provide, up to that cap, I’ll match with my own funds. I’d like to see others fund the effort vigorously enough for it to have a meaningful impact, so I’ll open up the match if we can raise $500 from others.

Funds that are not spent this year could be held over for following years or elections, as I anticipate we’ll need such efforts regularly.

It is my intent that this would eventually become a self-sustaining annual effort to inform voters, and that we could perhaps leverage it to expand the local party base.


  • Matt

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Thank you so much Francoise for your sincere comments on our current situation. I have always maintained that our work is "wasted" mostly because it is not coordinated. Like any promotion, our promotion needs to be organized -- everybody on the same page. But, to a group that prides itself in being composed of unherdable cats, that strategy is elusive at best. But, I think we should keep trying!

Of course, thank you also for your contribution to the Elections Publicity Fund.


First of all I want to thank Matt for his generous offer as well as everyone else who has pledged to fund this effort.

I wish I could be more optimistic about galvanizing libertarians who support fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately we have tried this in the past and it hasn't worked.

Gerry Cullen and I launched a massive effort in 2001 to contact all registered libertarians. I called (and wrote) everyone on the list we got from the Elections Department. A huge proportion of people had moved. Others did not pick up their phones or respond to messages or notes. I may have reached 10 people who said they would come to our events or donate. None showed up and I think we got 2 new memberships.

We have done a number of mailings since and gotten very little for the effort. In fact when I was LPSF secretary I remember that a substantial proportion of the postcards we used to send out would come back to us.

In any event, hope does spring eternal, so I'm in for $500. Am off to North Korea on Tuesday but will mail a check to the LPSF c/o Marcy for this effort before I leave.


Thank you, Francoise, for your enthusiastic response.

Your comments on your past efforts are revealing to me, as well. We may have to do something more targeted (say, at recent registrants) and gradual to be sure we're getting good return for donors' money. Being smart with the purse is of course an important consideration.

I'm really touched by your support. This was exactly the sort of thing I'd hoped to see when I made the offer.

- Matt