Thanks for your diligent work on this already, Marcy, and I'm sorry to take so long responding. I confess it has not really felt like my place to decide, given that I wasn't going to be taking a leadership role (maybe that only means I shouldn't be Treasurer after all); it would feel more appropriate simply to let those with the commitment proceed with the projects to which they are committed.
My personal philosophical bias aligns with Michael Edelstein's, but, in practical terms, it makes sense to me to go with whichever project has greatest support, in terms of resources people are willing to commit. It looks to me as though we have about 4 people, instead of 20, committed at the level Starchild described as necessary for success--unless you and Phil are prepared to contribute a lot more than I'm imagining. (I don't rule that out.) That makes recruiting help from other sources essential; but Phil has already pointed out the Green angle in his initiative, as Starchild has for the marijuana initiative.
My impression at the moment is that Phil's curb rights initiative has the greatest commitment. On that basis, I would be willing to cast a vote for it, if that would help, even if abstention might make more sense from another point of view.