Dear Starchild;
After his name popped up on the group list I sent him an email inviting him to our meetings and letting him know when and where they were and he did respond. So he is aware we are interested in meeting with him at one of our monthly meetings and hopefully regularly as a regular member of the LPSF. See his response below.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno
Hi Ron,
Thanks for the kind words. I'd have included more in my bio, but we're limited to 35 words - rough, I know. I'm actually out of town for the weekend, but I'd love to stop by the next LP meeting in SF. It sounds fun and pretty interesting.
For a breif sketch of who I am/where I'm coming from:
I'm originally from San Luis Obispo, and I went to college at UC Berkeley, where I double-majored in Philosophy and Development Studies (economic and social development, not psychological). I originally got turned on to liberty through Ayn Rand my second week of college, and haven't looked back since. I spent a few years in the Objectivist camp, but became gradually disenchanted with their foreign policy, and their philosophical dogmatism (I think there are many paths to libertarianism, and I'm not so sure feuding with libertarian buddhists about metaphysics makes any practical sense). Rothbard edged me into full-blown anarcho-capitalism, and that's where I currently reside ideologically.
Also, I primarily check my gmail account ( more than this one, so in the future if you would wirte to me there I would appreciate it. I didn't know what kind of response my column would generate, and thought it better to start another account in case hoards of people wrote in to call me an idiot.
Thanks for the note, and I hope my expanded bio helps out a little. Hopefully I'll be able to swing by the next meeting, and we can chat.
Justin Clarke