"Go for the McClintock camp because they are much more likely to follow than
Di Fi fans."
Actually, that was the whole point of my starting this thread. I think the
last week's events make this the perfect time to go after the "fans" of
Feinstein and Boxer (and Kerry and Edwards and just Democrats in general)
who all said "me too" when the President announced he would "protect"
We have a _TINY_ window of opportunity to get the word out to all the new
disaffected Democrats to let them know that we, the Libertarians, are the
only party that doesn't want to treat gays as second class citizens. We're
always wringing our hands about not having enough young people. Well,
folks, this is our opportunity. Generations X, Y, and beyond are not at all
homophobic, and the majority of that age group are in favor of marriage
equality. (55% under age 30:
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/12/19/opinion/polls/main589551.shtml )
But seizing this opportunity takes the state and national LP leadership
getting off their collective butts and at least sending out a press release
or two. It can't come from LP San Francisco, because it's just not news.
Our San Francisco region chair will be campaigning at the marriage equality
protest today in front of the Burton Federal Building in San Francisco. But
it won't make the papers. He's always been a wonderful straight ally, as
are the majority of San Franciscans. We need Party leadership in Sacramento
and D.C. to stand up and be counted on this issue. If they don't, we should
expect the Greens (who no longer have Ralph "gonadal politics" Nader to
screw up their relationship to the gay community) to steal our thunder in a
matter of weeks.
BTW, it's been a week since I first emailed everyone I can think of in LP
California leadership, and I still have received no response. I try not to
attribute to malice anything that can be explained by incompetence, but I'm
starting to think that a decision has been made to continue soft-pedaling
gay rights (to keep from offending those target Republicans). Yet nobody
has the nerve to tell me so.