Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff

Dear Wine Mike;

Ooops - fact checker came across this url: So either the author of the original story is full of it or the copy of the cook county tax records is full of it. The problem may be the address used as the tax paying address is for 4232 and the non-paying one is for 4228. Two addresses next to each other - which is the correct one.


http://snipurl.com/cced4 [www_progressillinois_com]
Fact Check: Rahm Emanuel Does Pay His Property Taxes
by Josh Kalven on November 07, 2008 - 10:29am
Thanks to a poorly researched "suggestion" by the conservative Illinois Review blog that congressman and soon-to-be White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel doesn't pay property taxes on his home, this rumor is now circling the internet and apparently even came up on an XM radio show this morning. So, in the hopes of attracting some of the Google searches resulting from this little monster, here are the facts.
Actually, there's really just one fact: Emanuel does pay his property taxes. Courtesy of Capitol Fax -- which quickly debunked the Illinois Review post yesterday -- here's a copy of Emanuel's tax bill from last year (click for larger version):
And that's that. For more on how Illinois Review has handled this matter, check out my post from yesterday, as well as Archpundit and Illinois Reason's thoughts on the topic.
UPDATE: By the way, IR deleted the Emanuel-related posts this morning, decrying the "the thuggery of the Left and their political masters here in Illinois ... whose propaganda machines never allow facts to get in the way of their lies."

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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Thanks for the fact checking Ron...I'll return it to the place I got it.
