Proponents of C go after the LPSF

The SF Chamber of Commerce's proponent group for Prop C has called out
the SFGOP and LPSF specifically as "protecting corporate profits" and
"standing up for big businesses".

Here is my response:

I don't know what they think our connection with big business is.
Aubrey, can you take a look at our account to make sure all the big
checks from our corporate donors have cleared?
Would appreciate any notes. I'm not sure if it's worthwhile or not, but
I'd like to tweet this back at @noplansf and see what they have to say,
although I can imagine it already-- probably that we're a debate club
and don't offer any quick and easy solutions like theirs.

Hi Nick. Great article--I guess you got inspiredšŸ˜£! Especially love that
part about "it's 100% not yours." All zero of our checks from our big
corporate sponsors have cleared! This is a good reason for us to have
steered clear of these campaigns that have offered us money to help their
campaigns. Even though we were on the same side as them, we did our own
promotion with our own money out of principle. They did it to promote
their businesses, which is fine, but our independence gives us the high
moral ground. The homelessness industry folks are just throwing dirt at us
out of desperation for more funding, but it won't stick--our record is

I'm also glad we do our political filings and dot our i's and cross our
t's, because even one blemish on that could hurt our reputation.

One silver bit of lining: if they're attacking us, then they view our
arguments and influence as somewhat threatening to their agenda. That 's a
good thing! We're gaining traction!


Excellent Nickā€¦note raise ā€œMOREā€ revenueā€¦.not ā€œMOVEā€


I second Mike's "excellent"FranƧoise
Francoise Fielding, Esq, 820 Stanyan St. #5, San Francisco, CA 94117, 415-386-8643

Thanks all for the kind words, and Starchild for your response.

It is indeed a good sign that they feel the need to attack us. First
they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you win. I don't actually
believe any of their lies would stick-- anyone with a brain in their
head can see we're not in bed with anyone. I thought it was a good
chance to promote our *actual* arguments, not the ones they wish we
would make.
And you're right, Aubrey, about our FPPC filings. Set your house in
perfect order before you criticize the world.
Their tweet about reaching 50%+1 was laughable to me. Nevermind that 30%
of voters in SF are "decline to state", but they automatically assume
that every Democrat drone in The City will vote yes.
We have more outreach to do!

Thanks, Starchild.

Francoise Fielding, Esq, 820 Stanyan St. #5, San Francisco, CA 94117,

I just posted these replies from the @SanFranciscoLP Twitter account

Replying to @*NoPlanSF*[1] @*SFGOP*[2]

With all the focus on #FakeNews, is it time for a look at
#FakeCompassion? We nominate the backers of SF's Prop. C, whose
reaction to the $382 million/yr. spent on bureaucrat salaries ā€“ oops,
we mean "helping the homeless" ā€“ is "let's double down!" With other
people's $$$, natch.>

alt *San Francisco LP*ā€ @*SanFranciscoLP*[3] now[4]

Replying to @*SanFranciscoLP*[5] @*NoPlanSF*[6] @*SFGOP*[7]
Hey, come on #*Libertarians*[8], just trust us! Throwing more money at
#*homelessness*[9] via wasteful government programs (ahem, Proposition
C) is a great plan. It will work this time, we promise! Or not:
No Shame No Principles | Libertarian Party of San Francisco ā€¦[10]>
Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

Hi Nick. Great article--I guess you got inspiredšŸ˜£! Especially
love that part about "it's 100% not yours." All zero of our
checks from our big corporate sponsors have cleared! This is a
good reason for us to have steered clear of these campaigns that
have offered us money to help their campaigns.. Even though we
were on the same side as them, we did our own promotion with our
own money out of principle. They did it to promote their
businesses, which is fine, but our independence gives us the high
moral ground. The homelessness industry folks are just throwing
dirt at us out of desperation for more funding, but it won't stick--
our record is clear.>>
I'm also glad we do our political filings and dot our i's and cross
our t's, because even one blemish on that could hurt our reputation.>>
One silver bit of lining: if they're attacking us, then they view
our arguments and influence as somewhat threatening to their agenda.
That 's a good thing! We're gaining traction!>>

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:28 AM, Nick Smith [lpsf-
activists] <> wrote:>>> __


The SF Chamber of Commerce's proponent group for Prop C has called
out the SFGOP and LPSF specifically as "protecting corporate
profits" and "standing up for big businesses".>>> status/1032095094982098949[11]

Here is my response: 2018-08-22-no-shame-no- principles[12]

I don't know what they think our connection with big business is.
Aubrey, can you take a look at our account to make sure all the big
checks from our corporate donors have cleared?>>>
Would appreciate any notes. I'm not sure if it's worthwhile or not,
but I'd like to tweet this back at @noplansf and see what they have
to say, although I can imagine it already-- probably that we're a
debate club and don't offer any quick and easy solutions like


  12. No Shame No Principles | Libertarian Party of San Francisco
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