prop 8

Dearest All;

Regarding the LPC and the DPI methodology
and voting and principles just keep this simple
mathematical formula in mind about the LPC.


An article in Lew Rockwell referred to these type of
Libertarians as Car Wash Libertarians. With a whole
lot more said about them in the article which you all
should read.

The anti-radical libertarians ask for practical solutions,
with "practical" being the code word for something that
is acceptable to the majority of the Oprahized masses.
This kind of thought is known as "libertarian lite," or as I
call it, "car wash libertarianism." The car wash libertarians
persuade others – “especially those new to libertarianism
– to stay away from the radical, "crazy" stuff and hold
true to the agenda of getting "our people" elected through
legitimate political means.

The car wash libertarians still have a voice in the modern
LP, which is also known as GOP 2.0. These libertarians
are in the game not for reasons of deep-rooted principles
and love of liberty, but for the social, bonding aspects,
with some mild libertarianism sprinkled on the side.
They love attending their local meetings and dinners
each month and discussing who is going to run for
what local post, and when, and applying strategy.
How fun it all is. City council or board of county
commissioners? Now those are appointments that
will have a significant impact upon an America that
is quickly descending into a Communistic hellhole.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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