Prop 64

In a message dated 10/12/2004 11:04:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
dredelstein@... writes:

I have some thoughts on 64, limiting lawsuits. However, I am
interested in your comments/suggestions. Thanks.

Best, Michael

hi michael,

i have myself been subjected to an extortionate lawsuit under the "private
attorney general class action Sec 17200 statute"-- it has hit hundreds of
thousands of businesses. i chose to fight, and it has cost tens of thousands in
attorneys fees, and is not yet over.

there are firms of attorneys sending out extortionate letters by the
hundreds daily. your turn will probably come sooner or later. there are seminars
being taught right now, showing attorneys how to extort using this law. it is
absolutely shameless. and it is a bonanza for them.

click to see my op-ed below:

feel free to call me for more details.

YES on 64!

Sarosh Kumana
_www.sfrent.net_ (
Tel: 415-861-4554
Fax: 415-864-0730
Cell: 415-425-5184