Prop. 13 not off-limits to reformers

Dear Editor,

Please tell Jim Wunderman that property tax revenues have been rising
without a constitutional convention to revise Prop. 13. According to
the Board of Equalization
( -total property
taxes collected in 2006-07 were $43.16 billion. The oldest property tax
stats at <> are for 1980-81. That
year, property tax revenue was $6.36 billion. Property tax revenue
increased by 579 percent since Prop 13 was implemented. During that
time, the population went from 24 million to 38 million-an increase of
58 percent.

According to the Legislative Analyst's Office's budget database
( , in
1980-1981, total general AND special fund revenue for California was
$22.1 billion. For 2006-07, it was $120.7 billion. That is an increase

Our own Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco recently published an
Atmn5TStFTljM0TfDeOpE6vU3X5z> reporting that a dollar of government
spending results in 70 cents of job-creating activity after two years. A
dollar in tax cuts results in $1.30 to $3 of job-creating activity after
two years. Does anyone out there get this? Government spending has a
REVERSE "multiplier" effect on private sector (read tax payers) jobs.
Shouldn't that raise questions about the tax increase "reform" agenda of
the Bay Area Council, a supposedly "business backed public policy
group"? Any business person who isn't taking government money who backs
these "reforms" is slicing their own throat. Why would the Business
Times give the Bay Area Council the time of day much less a whole series
of articles covering their misconceived ideas?

California is broke because the progressives who run this state have
voted for every spending program placed in front of them, and made the
state a haven for tax consumers. Period!

Michael F. Denny


American Wine Distributors, Inc.

Pier 23 The Embarcadero #201

San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 986-7677 x123

mike@... <>


  Great letter, lots of solid statistics! I couldn't tell you how many times I've heard the claim that Prop. 13 has hurt the state by limiting property taxes. The figures of a 579 percent increase during a time in which population increased by 58% begs the question how high they would've liked to push taxes if they'd had a free hand! Did you calculate those figures yourself, or can I find them in print somewhere for future citation?

  One suggestion I'd make if you happen to resend or republish it or anything is to refer to "property tax takings" instead of "property tax revenues." Saying revenues are up makes it sound like a positive thing, when we of course know what that really means is that household revenues are down! I'd also suggest putting "progressives" in quotes (also sounds too positive), or using a more descriptive term like "statists." I like your questioning of the Business Times support for the Bay Area Council.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Thanks Starchild....all the numbers are there at the links
provided...pretty easy to do the math after that.

Good points on the language...thanks.
