Recently Michelle Obama went to serve food to the homeless at a
government funded soup kitchen .
Cost of a bowl of soup at homeless shelter $0.00 dollars
Having Michelle Obama serve your soup $0.00 dollars
A homeless person who is receiving government funded meals while taking
a picture of the first lady using his $500 Black Berry cell phone $$$$
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Mushroom Risotto! Sounds good for lunch. Now if that 'homeless' guy could just find 1999 more of those Blackberries he could buy a home. Something tells me more soup kitchens are coming.
Harland Harrison
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What would be even more priceless is to see some of these government homeless advocates having soup kitchens built next to THEIR homes. Then they'd really find out how 'enriching' and 'ennobling' it is to know and serve the homeless community.
I manage a few properties, some are close to food banks. I just fixed a fence at one of them the homeless kicked in to steal the lawn mower. Usually they have picnics on the porches or the front lawns, leaving litter and defecating all over the place. I chased some them off once, they came back and broke out the windows.
A friend of mine just sold his restaurant. The homeless used to come in and trash his bathroom. He put up a sign 'for customers only'; they camped out in his doorway, sat at his tables without ordering anything and harassed his customers routinely.
A few more of those charming folk recently set up a 'tent city' in the neighborhood. They took over a private parking lot for two months. Business in the area declined so much that even the local McDonald's closed down.