Press Release: Court Asked to Invalidate Election for Governor and Hold New Election

*Neil Grimaldi, Esq. for United States President*

* <>*

*2860 Buhre Avenue, Suite 1E*

*Bronx, New York 10461*


*2 February 2015*



*Bronx, New York*

*Neil Grimaldi, Esq., attorney at law on behalf of Sam Sloan a candidate
for New York Governor, has filed an appeal to the United States Court of
Appeals in New York to invalidate the New York State Board of Elections
because it violates the one man one vote rule pursuant the case of Board of
Estimate of City of New York v. Morris which disbanded the New York Board
of Estimates in 1988.*

*This appeal also seeks to have a new election for New York State Governor
and other state-wide offices because the candidates specified in the motion
were put off the ballot illegally and improperly. The candidates are Sam
Sloan for Governor, Nenad Bach for Lieutenant Governor, Geeta Rankoth for
Comptroller and Neil Grimaldi for Attorney General.*

*The United States Court of Appeals case is 14-3342. Please find attached
the most recent document filed today.*

*The New York Board of Elections has Fraudulently made it very difficult
for insurgents to run for election in New York State because the Board of
Elections are prejudicial and comprised of the Republican and Democratic
Party Chairmen of each county.*

*Governor Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton have consistently failed to do
anything to transform the corrupt political system in New York.*

*Contact Information:*

*Neil Grimaldi*
