Posting the Libertarian view point

Dear All,

The Sand Francisco Examiner has two articles of interest to LPSF.

One is a nice article stating pretty much that Ron Paul is not fading away, and alluding that Ron Paul supporters might be ready to move on to the Gary Johnson camp . The other is an article on the City College of San Francisco mess, of which we wrote in one of our ballot arguments.

I have posted comments on both articles. I think it is especially important to start posting regarding City College and the parcel tax, before our scathing ballot argument hits the streets! Besides, posting comments, writing letters to the editor, writing articles for newspapers are ways to communicate to the general public, not just preach to the converted.

As an aside, I recently posted the libertarian point of view on a sappy Bill Moyers interview with Sister Simone Campbell. I knew I had reached the "general public" when I got 3 thumbs down even before I got off the page!


Hi Marcy! Thumbs up to you for finding good articles to post to. I especially liked your point of view regarding CCSF citing that you are an immigrant, attended the school yourself, and are grateful for the opportunity. I dutifully read the articles and posted my two cents worth too. I don't have time to read the paper every day, but if you point out worthwhile articles needing our comment, then I will post too. I agree that getting our point of view out there is very important, and it's relatively easy to do. I look forward to doing more of it.


Hi Aubrey,

I just read your comment on the CCSF article! Loved the part about their ordering a third study hoping that it would be more favorable. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns; these guys are studying the situation instead of taking action on problems that have been festering for decades! However, what can they do? The fees are set by the California legislature, which at the same time gives them a mandate to educate all who want the education. I feel a bit guilty about criticizing but not offering alternative. Maybe post alternatives on the "Libertarian Solutions" page of the LPSF website, and publicize those solutions, as well as our criticisms?

Yes, I am using the immigrant card wherever I can, just as the fat cats at the Republican Convention all had parents who washed dishes and started out with nothing. Even Mitt had a rough time growing up, according to Ann!


Hi Marcy! Actually you did offer a good alternative: they should step down or start facing the harsh reality of budget constraints that all individuals and private companies must face in the real world. Specific solutions? Yes, it's always good to present a solution to something we're criticizing. We should all do that more. Great idea for our website.

Thanks Immigrant!