Political Chat

Hi Everyone,

My meeting today was changed to Friday, so I will be
at the Political Chat tonight. I heard people
mentioning the topic about whether we are a party of
philosophers or a party of action. Because the Chat is
a few hours away, we can chose this as a topic.

I still think it is a good idea to choose a topic,
just like we did now. I don't mean for people to do
'research' before the Chat. What I envisioned was to
chose a topic at least a couple days in advance, and
if it is a topic I don't know that much about, then I
will go to an online source such as CATO, Reason,
etc., read a brief article on the topic, and bring
with me any questions I have about the Libertarian
viewpoint.. If it is a topic I am already familiar
with, such as Public Education, then I don't have to
bother doing this, since I already know more than
enough to talk for three hours at the chat on this
topic. I hope this makes sense, and no one will be
banned from the chat if they don't read up on it ahead
of time beforehand.

So, I will be there tonight, and the topic will be
whether we are a party of talkers or doers, or both,
or neither, or whatever...

By the way, I might be late because I will be in San
Lorenzo until about 6:00PM, then I will head straight
to the Chat. Hope to see everyone there.

Dave Barker