I guess there has been a bit of misunderstanding concerning the deadline for revisions on the Police Priorities initiative. My recollection was that revisions were due "by Saturday," which I took to mean any time on Saturday. But then I checked my email this evening and saw Justin's message saying the ExCom met today to draft a revision to take to the attorney(s).
Of course it so happens that I did not allow myself enough time to finish a full revision that would do justice to the material anyway, but I wanted to try to clean up some of the language so I decided to go ahead and work on a revised version of Sections 1, 2, and 3.
Ron's Revision #4 is below, with my suggested revisions of each paragraph in bold following that paragraph. In case the boldface formatting does not come through properly, I will also post it to the Files section of the LPSF-Activists list.
I also came up with a title which I think is slightly improved, the "Compassionate Law Enforcement Priorities Act."
I wish I'd found time earlier in the week to do the kind of research I wanted to, because I feel the biggest problem we have is that the initiative is currently weak on statistics and specific supporting evidence, and I did not have time to get into that except to note some areas that could use fleshing out in those respects.
I guess I'll just have to wait and see what Chris's minutes say, or what other peoples' recollections were of what was said last Saturday about when comments were due by, to know whether this effort was a complete waste of my time.
Yours in liberty,
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