
  When you speak of a "petition," do you mean a resolution that would appear on the ballot? Do you have anything in writing that explains what kind of ordinances can and cannot be passed by the voters as ballot measures? I don't understand what we're being told the rules are here. Are the lawyers saying that voters cannot direct the police to do (or not do) anything specific? I wonder. Would a measure capping city salaries (the second measure we'd voted to pursue) say at the specific level of $100,000 a year pass muster?

Yours in liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>

Dear Everyone;

At yesterdays LPSF meeting due to a variety of factors it was determined that the Police Initiative should be re-born as a Police Petition.

Some of the factors involved:

Money. As at its most basic needs it would require at least $6,000 and with the now required translation in two additional languages possibly another $1,000.

Gathering at least 16,000 signatures.

Meeting all the legal standards to qualify the Initiative for the ballot.

Definitively being able to obtain co-operation of the other major parties and community groups to assist in funding and petition circulating.

Having LPSF members who could do the necessary work in introducing the proposed initiative to the other parties and community groups.

The Police Initiative by law could not be binding and would only be a non-binding public policy statement. It could not be an administrative initiative which would specifically direct the activities of police personnel by law.

Therefore it was voted to make the Police Initiative a Police Petition. All activities and further discussion on this to be done at the May 13 LPSF meeting.

I have attached a copy of a sample of what could be said which could then be presented as a petition. I have also included a partial list of the activities which would be required of LPSF members to gather enough signatures as a Petition.

The Petition is for discussion purposes it is not definitive. The LPSF would have to concur as a group to approve doing the petition process with an appointed select committee to formulate the petition and make it happen.

Some of the activities to be considered which would require participation would include:

Presenting to other political parties and community groups for their support and the circulation of the petitions.

Publicity campaigns in newspapers or radio newstalk shows. Doing mailers - postcards - newsletters - telephone campaigns - fund raising and any other activity which would garner support and signatures.

Once enough signatures had been gathered say at least 10,000 - 15,000 then presenting to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors and Chief of Police and Police Commission etc etc etc.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian



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